How to increase your carry weight in Death Stranding

Published , by Josh Hawkins

When you first start out, you’ll find yourself limited in how much you can carry in Death Stranding. Thankfully, there are things that you can do to increase their carry weight, and this guide will outline everything that you need to know.

How to increase your carry weight in Death Stranding

On top of being able to find vehicles throughout the world in Death Stranding, there are other things you can do to enable Sam to carry more cargo and packages. By default, Sam’s carry weight is pretty impressive, but as you complete missions and unlock higher ratings around the different distribution centers, you’ll find that this weight limit goes up, albeit quite slowly. Fortunately, you’ll be able to unlock an item down the road that can allow you to nearly double your available carry weight.

If you want to increase your carry weight, then you’re going to want to deliver packages, as many packages as you can. Each time you complete an order, Sam’s performance will be ranked. This ranking is broken down by a few different categories, but essentially, you’re going to want to rank these different categories up as much as possible by ensuring safe, timely deliveries in large quantities. Doing this will slowly cause Sam’s carry weight to increase.

Increase your overall Porter Grade will also increase your carry weight.

Later on, you’ll also unlock a special item that Sam can equip to allow him to carry more items called a Power Skeleton. The Power Skeleton runs off of batteries and will require you to keep it charged up if you want to make use of it. You’ll also find various upgrade levels available for this item, which you can unlock throughout the campaign. The Power Skeleton isn’t the only item like this, either. The Floating Carrier is another useful gadget that players can utilize to carry even more packages to their destinations.

Unfortunately, there’s no real way to power level your carry weight. Take your time exploring the world and take on as many side orders as you can to help you increase your ranking, which will, in turn, increase your carry weight.

Now that you know how to increase your carry weight, head back over to our Death Stranding guide for more articles and videos to help you reconnect America.