Garden of Salvation release date and time

Published , by Sam Chandler

The Garden of Salvation raid now has a release date and time. Destiny 2’s latest six-player raid is coming in hot, and with a high recommended Power, players will need to spend some time grinding. Thankfully, there’s a bit more time left before the Garden of Salvation comes out.

Garden of Salvation release date and time

According to the Bungie blog, Garden of Salvation is set to release on Saturday, October 5 at 10AM PST / 1PM EST. This will be the sixth raid in Destiny 2, and much like the Crown of Sorrow, Contest Mode will be active – more on Contest Mode below.

Garden of Salvation Power level

For those that are eager to get in and attempt Garden of Salvation as soon as possible, they’ll want to ensure they’ve got the raid’s Power level in mind. Garden of Salvation has a starting recommended Power of 890 with the final fight being 920.

As mentioned above, Contest Mode is active for the first 24-hours of the raid. What this means is that anyone that attempts the raid on day one will not be able to exceed an encounter’s Power level. So for the first fight, if you’re Power 900, Contest Mode will scale you back down to 890.

It’s important to realize that Contest Mode is a limiter, it does not buff you. This means if you’re entering the final fight at 915, it will not increase your Power. So anyone that’s looking to attempt the raid should be aiming to get to at least Power 920.

With the release date and time set for Garden of Salvation, would-be raiders now have a deadline on their Power-leveling. There’s only a few hours between now and when the gates unlock, so get on those alts, earn your powerful gear, and get ready to raid. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more guides – and a complete Garden of Salvation raid guide after it releases.