Interview: HyperParasite is a conglomerate of 80s themes and icons

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Release in April of 2019, HyperParasite is a twin-stick shooter blended with a rogue-like to create a unique and exceptional little experience. We recently caught up with Saverio Caporusso, the CEO of Game Design at Troglobytes Games to talk about HyperParasite, the game’s inspirations, and more.

In HyperParasite players take on the role of a host that must fight its way to the top of the government food chain and possess the president to “one-up” the human race. If you took one look at the trailer and felt that you’d just stepped into an 80s arcade game? You weren’t entirely wrong. While talking with Caporusso about HyperParasite we learned that the developers hold quite a high regard for the world of 80s entertainment. As such, HyperParasite contains a ton of throwbacks to 80s pop culture, iconic movie characters, and even iconic game characters from that era.

According to the Steam page for HyperParasite:

Invading a grime encrusted dystopia straight out the eighties, you're the monster the authorities warned about. Dragging your bloody tentacles on the greasy asphalt, you snatch body after body. You are the HyperParasite; an evil alien with a bone to pick with humanity…just because it’s fun. Infesting the sickest corners of the most ass-kicking decade, you must fight your way to the top of the pop-cultural food chain, in order to push the Big Red Button and bring about the mushroom cloud of finality. Be the baddest, navigating the dangerous procedurally generated streets of a hopeless past, in this tough twin-stick roguelite brawling S.O.B.

For more information about HyperParasite, and to check out the full interview, be sure to check out the embed above. You can also head over to YouTube, where you can subscribe to both Shacknews and GamerHubTV for more behind-the-scenes, interviews, gameplay videos, and tons of other great content.