Borderlands 3 Rhys' mustache - save or shave it?

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Borderlands 3 offers fans of the series quite a few cameos from iconic characters in the series, including Rhys, the main protagonist from the Tales from the Borderlands game. During Borderlands 3, players will work closely with the Atlas CEO, and during the Atlas, At Last mission, players will be able to choose to save or shave Rhys’ mustache. But which choice is right? And what happens if you choose one or the other? Here’s what you need to know.

Before you continue, there are some slight spoilers below, so read at your own risk.

Borderlands 3 Rhys’ mustache - save or shave it?

Unfortunately, saving or shaving Rhys’ mustache doesn’t really change the outcome of anything in Borderlands 3. There’s no special reward or gun tied to the decision, it’s simply there as a little Easter Egg throwback to the choice-heavy game Tales from the Borderlands. In fact, after you make your decision, a little popup in the HUD states “Rhys will remember that”, which fans of Telltale Games will notice as a very obvious throwback to how they outlined important decisions.

How could you save no to such a fantastic mustache?

Aside from personal preference, though, there’s no real reason to choose to save or shave the mustache. I personally decided to keep it, as I think it adds to the quirkiness of the character. Whatever decision you make, Rhys will continue to appear that way throughout the rest of the game. We wish there were more weight to the decision, maybe a special gun or something, but we’re still happy to see Gearbox giving a nice little tip of the hat to Tales from the Borderlands, which is by far one of the most intriguing spin-offs we’ve seen for a big series like Borderlands.

Now that you know the different between shaving or saving Rhys’ mustache, head back over to our Borderlands 3 guide and FAQ for even more help. We’ve got a ton of useful guides like how to farm Eridium quickly and even several in-depth guides that will help you find the best Legendary weapons in Borderlands 3.