Destiny 2 Shadowkeep & New Light release date delayed to October

Published , by Kevin Tucker

When making a proper video game or content update, the more time, the better. It's a lesson that many developers have learned through the years, and it's not at all lost on the crew at Bungie. The team behind Destiny 2 have been cooking up some new content with Shadowkeep and New Light, but a new announcement from Bungie reveals the planned fall releases "would benefit from a bit more time in the oven."

Speaking in an update posted to the official Bungie website, the Destiny 2 development team state that they had to make a hard choice when opting to delay Shadowkeep and New Light. The post reads:

"As we get closer and closer to serving up Shadowkeep and New Light, it has become increasingly clear to us that our releases for this Fall would benefit from a bit more time in the oven. Being independent means that the future of Destiny 2 is entirely on our team. It also means that we’re agile enough to choose to do what's best for the game and our players, even if it's the hard choice."

The release date for Shadowkeep and New Light has been pushed back from September 17 to October 1. The developers have also provided more of what they call "date housecleaning" by adjusting the runtime of Iron Banner as well as Moments of Triumph.

Here's the full scoop as provided in the announcement post:

Be on the lookout for Shadowkeep on October 1. Players can stay fresh on the absolute latest in the world of Destiny 2 by checking out our Destiny 2 home page, while Guardians who want to brush up on new quests and gear are invited to our Destiny 2 strategy guide.