All Crests and Crest Abilities in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is out now on the Switch, marrying the series' portable roots with the Nintendo's modern home console. Longtime followers are no doubt excited to dive into the game and start building up their house, and in order to do so, they'll eventually want to track down Crests. These Crests are able to bestow characters with both Minor and Major buffs, and we've got a complete list of Crests in Fire Emblem: Three Houses featured below.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses | What are Crests?

Crests in Fire Emblem: Three Houses are used to bestow characters with immense powers. Most Crests offer a unique ability, with the bulk of them offering additional damage from attacks, nullifying counterattacks, or bolstering magic use.

However, as players might expect, Crests are fairly hard to obtain. The first Crest will be available through Byleth's Sword of the Creator, but players will have to beat the game and start a New Game Plus in order to purchase the remaining 20. This can be accomplished through the Journal using the Crest Items menu, where each Crest costs a total of 1,000 Renown.

Assuming players can track down and purchase them, Crests can then be placed into any character's inventory to increase that character's offensive or defensive abilities.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses | All Crests, Signs, and Abilities

Here's the full list of every Crest we've found in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. In-game, Crests are also separated into two categories, Major and Minor, where Minor Crests provide smaller buffs and Major Crests provide bigger buffs.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Crests
Crest Sign Effect
Crest of Aubin Ice Dragon Occasionally allows weapon attacks to prevent counterattacks
Crest of the Beast Storm Dragon Occasionally increase Might of weapon attacks
Crest of Cethleann Light Dragon Occasionally increase Might of recovery magic
Crest of Charon Lightning Dragon Often increases the Might of combat arts
Crest of Chevalier Snow Dragon Occasionally restore 30% of combat art damage as HP
Crest of Cichol Earth Dragon Occasionally allows combat arts to prevent counterattacks
Crest of Daphnel Flame Dragon Occasionally increase Might of combat arts
Crest of Dominic Crusher Dragon Occasionally conserves magic attacks
Crest of Earnest Thorn Dragon Occasionally allows weapon attacks to prevent counterattacks
Crest of Flames Occasionally restore 30% of damage as HP. Nullifies counterattacks
Crest of Fraldarius Shield Dragon Occasionally increase Might of weapon attacks
Crest of Gautier Fissure Dragon Often increases Might of combat arts
Crest of Gloucester Craft Dragon Occasionally increase Might of magic attacks
Crest of Goneril Occasionally allows combat arts to prevent counterattacks
Crest of Indech Water Dragon Weapons occasionally attack twice
Crest of Lamine Aegis Dragon Occasionally incrase Might of recovery magic
Crest of Macuil Wind Dragon Occasionally increase Might of magic attacks
Crest of Noa Bloom Dragon Occasionally conserves magic attacks
Crest of Riegan Star Dragon Occasionally restore 30% of combat art damage as HP
Crest of Seiros Sky Dragon Occasionally increase Might of combat attacks
Crest of Timotheos Dark Dragon Occasionally increase Might of recovery magic

Assuming players can track down all the Crests in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, they'll be in much better positions to round out their characters and increase the power of their houses. To learn even more about the latest Intelligent Systems release, be sure to drop by Shacknews' Fire Emblem: Three Houses home page.