Overwatch update patch notes adds Summer Games 2019

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Summer has at last arrived in Overwatch, with the game's latest update adding a host of features and events as part of Summer Games 2019. Players who have been with Overwatch for some time likely remember last year's event, and the Summer Games 2019 are largely similar, though there are a few tweaks to the formula this time around.

Hitting the game as part of Overwatch update version, Summer Games 2019 gives players the chance to participate in new weekly events and score rare loot. Among the new additions are the Surf 'n' Splash Torbjorn, Wave Hanzo, and Kendoka Genji legendary skins, and Blizzard has indicated that several items from previous Summer Games will be made available as well.

As for the update itself, things are looking about as usual. The big change this time around is the addition of subtitle options: Players can now choose between Critical Gameplay, Critical Gameplay + Conversations, and Everything subtitle options. It's mainly meant for players who have difficulty with hearing, but there's no reason the subtitle options can't be used by anyone.

Here are the rest of the Overwatch update patch notes as featured over on the official Overwatch website.

Overwatch patch notes

Workshop Updates

Bug Fixes






The Overwatch Summer Games 2019 festivities are live now, and will continue all the way through August 5. To catch up on the latest news and guides for Blizzard's hit shooter, be sure to stop by Shacknews' Overwatch home page.