What time does the WoW Classic Stress Test #2 start?

Published , by Kevin Tucker

As the World of Warcraft continued to evolve, many players found themselves yearning for the days when the game was still fresh and pure. Blizzard heard the call of duty and began work on World of Warcraft Classic, a return to the game as it was around the time of its original release. WoW Classic is set to release in August, but the developers are currently hosting stress tests to make sure everything is working as intended. Here's when players can drop into the second WoW Classic stress test.

World of Warcraft Classic | Stress Test #2 start and end times and dates

The second World of Warcraft Classic stress test is slated to run from June 19 all the way through June 21. The official kickoff time has been set at 2 p.m. Pacific time (9 p.m. UTC) on June 19, while the official end time is exactly 48 hours later at 2 p.m. Pacific on June 21 (also 9 p.m. UTC).

For those who may not have heard, the WoW Classic stress test #2 is the second of three total planned stress tests for the game. The third is set for July 18 and 19, providing a very brief window ahead of the game's release on August 26.

A return the original World of Warcraft is proving immensely popular among players, but Blizzard wants to make sure all the kinks have been ironed out before the game goes live. As such, the team is asking that players "focus as much play as possible during the first three hours of the stress test. During this time, we’ll be looking for more issues to address under initial launch conditions."

MMORPG fans can jump right into the action when the World of Warcraft Classic Stress Test #2 starts on June 19. For the rest of your WoW needs, head over to Shacknews' World of Warcraft home page.