Quake3 1.27/TA Issues

Christian over at id updated his .plan file with a small FAQ for Quake3 1.27g and Team Arena, addressing some of the problems that people are having. Most of the Q&A's are related to game key issues.

Q: "Dude, my shaders are all fux0red and I'm getting nice white blocks everywhere. WTF ?"
A: Q3TA and Quake 1.27g are much more stringent on checking pakfiles now. More than likely what has happened is you have an older mod somewhere that is replacing some shaders in memory and you're getting all sorts of ugly looking graphics. My recommendation is to just bite the bullet and install Q3A to a *NEW* directory. I can almost guarantee that if you reinstall Q3A, Install either TA or 1.27g, then install the latest 1.27g compliant mods, most if not all of your graphics wierdness will go away.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 16, 2000 5:24 PM

    First Post!
    * o w n e d *

    • reply
      December 16, 2000 5:44 PM

      That is very sufficient ownage.

      • reply
        December 16, 2000 5:45 PM

        Why thank you, sir. Not quite as impressive as GLadiator's first post's though...

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