First Post!

So, another day, another First Post. After the morning update I'm off doing some last minute preparing for another 10 hour flight tomorrow. I already discovered I have seen the movies they are playing on the plane which sucks, since watching a good 2 hour movie helps out a lot with long flights. Although I guess it doesn't hurt to see X-Men again. Otherwise I'll just have to play Duke3D on my laptop, which is equipped with the fine Trident Cyberblade3D. Indeed, it doesn't support DirectX. By my own choice though, just didn't need a $4000 laptop when all I need to do with it is update this site.
Before I leave early tomorrow morning, I really will have that person comments search in. Watch for it later today. And I really mean it this time. ShackES is also really close to opening, just waiting for Andy to add the comments section. Matt has all this content prepared for the Babbage's CPL event so it would be nice if the site actually opened before it happened.

Todays IOTD shows that even the homeless are going digital. Thanks ironwolf.

Freedom is overrated.

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From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola