Stranger Things 3: The Game interview: The goal of authenticity

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Just about everybody has access to Netflix these days, and just about everybody on Netflix has seen, or at least heard of, Stranger Things. Well, Netflix is about to release the third season of their blockbuster show in the coming months and plans to release Stranger Things 3: The Game on the same day. Our very own Greg Burke had the chance to talk to Matt Deomme, interactive producer at Netflix, about Stranger Things 3: The Game, how it ties in with the show, and the importance of creating a quality experience.

In the interest of not ruining the entire interview for you, click on the embedded video to watch it for yourself. Greg and Matt don’t dig too deeply into the details of the game, but the following features are listed on Nintendo’s game page.

Stranger Things 3: The Game is expected to release on July 4, 2019 (in case you missed the giant sign in the video) for Nintendo Switch. You can find it and all other upcoming titles on the video game release date 2019 calendar. If you want to discover more games planned for the upcoming months, head over to the Shacknews and GamerHub TV YouTube channels.