Dead or Alive 6 gets free-to-play Core Fighters mode

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Dead or Alive 6 is getting a special free to play version of the game known as Dead or Alive 6: Core Fighters.

The new edition of Dead or Alive 6 will be free to download across all platforms, and will include four characters: Kasumi, Hitomi, Diego, and Bass, for players to try out. It will come with online ranked battles, Arcade, Versus, Time Attack, Training, and Quest modes as well. The introduction to Dead or Alive 6's Story mode will be available to play in addition to DOA Central, where you can manage settings like wardrobe changes, music, and more.

In addition to the free-to-play update, Dead or Alive 6 also got an addition content drop that adds new DOA Quests to the game, new entrance and victory scenes, and changes to the way players earn costume parts to "help enhance the overall gaming experience." Previously, the game was frustrating in that earning parts for your favorite characters was effectively a slog. You may not earn parts for your favorite character even when completing quests for them, so hopefully this tunes things up effectively.

The first bit of Season Pass content in the form of the Happy Wedding Vol. 1 pack is also out now, with more costume packs and two new characters from King of Fighters XIV coming down the pipeline at a later date.

Our own Kevin Tucker reviewed the game, awarding it an 8 out of 10. Here's what he had to say.

"I've always found Dead or Alive games to be oddly charming, and the latest series entry hasn't proved to be any different. Dead or Alive 6 has complex, satisfying combat and enough variety to keep players of all skill levels happy. It has great graphics, it's stylish, and it's packed with bonuses. It's also full of what still feels like unintentional humor, which somehow makes the experience more of a spectacle. Sadly, the unimpressive online infrastructure and convoluted character customization serve as two big blots that mar the overall experience."

Now that there's a free version to try, you can see how it all works for yourself. Let us know how you're getting on in the comments below.