Movie Time? Huh?

Wow. Normally Friday is a Retro movie night, but nobody could really decide on anything. I just went to dinner with my chicky while a couple people braved Vertical Limit. Before dinner though, some of us played the Q3TA demo last night when I discovered a little sound that I'm sure most of you have. Apparently when you kill someone with your flag like a foot away from their flag, the announcer totally goes "Holy Shit!" Well, I got two of those yesterday in a 35 minute epic match my team ended up winning! Woo hoo!

Enough of my mindless chatter. Did any of you see anything decent in the theatre? Last thing I saw was Unbreakable, which was a decent (albeit slow) outing, so I guess I recommend that if you haven't seen it yet.

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola