Always hotly debated around here, the fact that Duke Nukem Forever is taking..forever. 3D Action Planet has a feature where they look if the fact that 3D Realms is releasing absolutely zero info on the game is a good thing. If you look at the comments here, most people would say it's not :) However Daikatana had plenty of screenshots and an early multiplayer demo so people were somewhat prepared for what they were getting. In this case they don't but still seem to already have made up their mind. Hellchick: I have to admit, by not revealing much, 3DRealms is actually heightening the anticipation as we get closer to the game's finish. Regardless of press coverage, I'm looking forward to Duke Nukem Forever, having been a Duke 3D fan myself. And I hope 3DRealms does indeed let us see a tiny bit of what's to come so we can anticipate the game even more.
G'Money: They will. And when you see it, you won't have to wait years to actually play it.
And FYI, Duke really only has been in full developement since mid 98 (the Unreal engine change) so all this 4 year development time is BS. Sure they had some art from the Quake engine work that they could port over but that's about it. I wouldn't mind a Christmas present either though ;)