Where to find Yarrow in Red Dead Redemption 2
Yarrow is needed to complete Red Dead Redemption 2's Herbalist challenge. Here's where to find it.
The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is vast, and plays home to several different species of both flora and fauna. Some of the game's challenges task the player with seeking out one each these species, with the Herbalist challenge in particular pushing the hero to track down a set number of ten different plants. This guide will cover where to find Yarrow, including the locations where it can most commonly be found.
Where to find Yarrow locations
The Yarrow plant is generally found in the grasslands and forested areas of Lemoyne and New Hanover, right around the central parts of the Red Dead Redemption 2 map. It's a very flowery plant with reddish leaves, appearing almost bulbous from a distance, and will shimmer with a glittery glow when viewed while the Eagle Eye ability activated.

A good spot to begin looking for Yarrow is right in the middle of the area known as The Heartlands, within the region of New Hanover. More specifically, it can be found due east of Horseshoe Overlook, between the hills and the forest line.

Another easy location to spot Yarrow is just southeast of Rhodes, in the Scarlett Meadows just north of Bolger Glade. It'll be on the ground beyond the trees just outside of the trail.
As a reward for picking six Yarrow plants and completing the Herbalist Challenge 1, players will unlock the Herbalist Off-Hand Holster, which can then be crafted by visiting the nearest Trapper. The picked Yarrow itself can also be consumed raw to replenish Health, or crafted into medicine for more powerful restorative properties.
That should be all players need to track down Yarrow locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. To stay on top of other collectible locations, or to learn more about combat and crafting, be sure to head over to Shacknews' robust Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough and guide.