All radar sign locations in Fortnite

Published , by Sam Chandler

The world of Fortnite has been shaken up as the dearly beloved Kevin exploded, sending players into a new dimension, but life goes on and so do the various challenges on offer. As part of the Week 5 challenge in Fortnite, players are tasked with finding radar signs around the map and recording a speed greater than 27.

All radar sign lcoations

The radar signs are scattered around the Fortnite: Battle Royale map, and although going fast is easy (just grab a vehicle), actually locating these radar signs in the wild can be tough. Only five radar signs are needed for the challenge, so there’s no need to track them all down.

A good strategy for recording a high speed on all the radar signs is to drop at Lazy Links and wrap down along the western side of the island, down through Flush Factory, and up through the Paradise Palms desert.

There are reports circulating on the Fortnite subreddit that the radar signs week 5 challenge can also be completed in Playground Mode as well as while gliding through the air. This should be helpful for those players who are struggling to record a speed of 27 on five signs during a match.

On the off chance you missed out, check out our coverage of the final moments of Kevin the Cube before he exploded.