All Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map locations - Red Dead Redemption 2
Complete the Jack Hall Gang Treasure quest by finding the locations listed on each Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map in Red Dead Redemption 2.
During your travels in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll meet strangers that can give you fun side activities, including treasure hunts. Today, I’ll be giving you a walkthrough of a Stranger encounter called All That Glitters, where you’ll go on a three-part treasure hunt that rewards you with some worthy loot for your time. If you have just discovered the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map 1, allow me to guide you through the next hour of your Red Dead Redemption 2 life.
Quest: Jack Hall Gang Treasure

West of Flatneck Station and east of the Dakota River, which is slightly northeast of Blackwater, is an encounter with a Stranger. Head into the area and you’ll see it on your map. Talk to the Stranger, then buy the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map 1 off him to begin. If you don’t have the money, you could rob him instead.
Jack Hall Gang Map 1

The first map is taking you to Caliban’s Seat, which is south of Valentine and slightly northwest of your camp at Horseshoe Overlook. You are literally going to find what you’re looking for on the B for Caliban’s. Once there, head up the rock and notice there’s a camp at the top. However, just before you reach the camp there’s a path on the right. Take it, jumping and climbing along the side of the cliff until you get the option to search. You may find treasure here, but certainly you’ll find the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map 2.

Jack Hall Gang Map 2

You’re heading north to Cotorra Springs, which is northwest of Fort Wallace and southwest of Wapiti Indian Reservation. When you arrive, there will be an open field with some natural springs. Look for a collection of rocks scattered around the field. You’ll be looking to search those rocks (there aren’t very many) to find the Jack Hall Gang Map 3. You might also receive a Peal Necklace if you didn’t get one when you found the last map. Please note that this is also the territory for the Legendary Wolf, which is much easier to kill than the legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear.

Jack Hall Gang Map 3

Head to O’creagh’s Run, a lake far to the east of Cotorra Springs. This lake is near where you killed the legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear. Once there, look for the tiny island in the middle of the lake. Since there are no boats nearby, you must either swim (don’t do this) or ride your horse (choose this one) to the island. On the south side of the island, near the water, is the option to search a rock, and after in doing so you’ll find two Gold Bars that can be sold at a Fence in the game. You’ll also have completed the Jack Hall Gang Treasure quest.

For more help with everything an outlaw could need, check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough and guide.