How to fist fight in Red Dead Redemption 2

Brush up on the controls and buttons needed to punch, block, and grapple while in a fist fight in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Conflict doesn’t always require the use of guns if you’re Arthur Morgan, and you are. Sometimes slapping a fool around a bit is the best course of action. In Red Dead Redemption 2, there is a deep system for fist fights that players will get to test out early in the experience, and then as often as they’d like after that. If you just got thrown through a window in Red Dead Redemption 2 and want to know how to fist fight, I’ve got you covered.

How to Fist Fight

To get into a fist fight your hands must be empty. If you start mashing the buttons for fighting while holding a gun, someone is getting shot. Probably not you, which is good, but the fist fight will have escalated into something more serious. To ensure your hands are empty, bring up the Weapon Wheel with L1/LB, then choose the symbol of your hands on the right to make sure there’s nothing in them.

Action: PlayStation 4 button: Xbox One button:
Punch Circle B
Block Square X
Grapple Triangle Y
Break Free Tap Circle Tap B

That’s basically all you need to know; the rest is just a matter of timing. When an opponent is about to punch you, block the strike, then throw several punches of your own. If you want to mix things up, throw in a grapple to catch them off guard. You could always try to mash the punch button, and that might work, but you’d almost certainly run into a foe who was too good for that trick and you’d lose the fight. In my experience, the best course of action is to be a counterpuncher, blocking and returning fire when your opponent is off balance.

Now that you’ve learned how to fist fight and assumedly won, why not calm things down by learning how to go fishing with Arthur Morgan? You can also pop by the Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough and guide for help with any aspect of the game giving you trouble.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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