Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 streamers are accidentally revealing their payment info

Published , by Brittany Vincent

Some Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 streamers are getting more than they bargained for, with the game opening up a little more information to the world than players hoped to share. According to streamer Tofoo, who took to Twitter, when you play Black Ops 4, if you click on anything that might begin a purchase, you could in fact be showing off your entire set of payment information to the masses viewing your stream.

This appears to be a problem currently localized to those playing on PC via but if you're planning on spending time online smokin' some fools in Black Ops 4, just keep it in mind, because if you don't want the world to see your payment information, it's a good idea not to initiate any purchases to keep it that way.

While you're scrambling to make sure you've got everything covered during your Call of Duty stream, why not peruse everything Shacknews has to offer in terms of videos, guides, and other helpful content that'll get you together in no time flat for your first few online matches. Be sure to check out Shacknew's own Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 review and take a look at our guides to all of the new specialist classes and abilities that players will come across in the standard multiplayer component of the game. Don't worry, we've got you covered!