All Corrupted Egg Locations in Destiny 2

Where to find all 40 Corrupted Eggs for the Corrupted Omelette triumph in Destiny 2: Forsaken.


The Corrupted Omelette triumph in Destiny 2: Forsaken challenges players to find and destroy all 40 Corrupted Eggs that are hidden around the Dreaming City. These Corrupted Eggs take on the appearance of glowing Taken rocks and can be exceptionally difficult to find. For players that want to finish as much of the Triumph book as possible, finding the location of all 40 Corrupted Eggs will be a top priority.

All Corrupted Egg Locations

Before beginning the journey to find and collect all 40 Corrupted Eggs, players must first unlock the Wish-Ender Exotic bow. While several of the eggs are in easy-to-access locations, a lot of them are locked in the Ascendant Challenges and a few are in the Last Wish raid.

For Corrupted Eggs that are located in difficult-to-see spots, remember to completely draw an arrow, which will allow you to see the egg through walls thanks to the Wish-Ender exotic trait, Queen’s Wrath.

Divalian Mists Corrupted Egg

The Divalian Mists has one Corrupted Egg that can be found to the immediate left of the spawn point. Use the fast travel point and look left, it’s attached to a rock.

Spine of Keres Corrupted Egg 1

The first Corrupted Egg in the Spine of Keres can be found behind the Oracle observatory. Don’t enter the Oracle temple, instead use the bridges to the side to reach the back. Stop on the bridge just before the blue crystal wall and aim over the side away from the observatory to spot the Corrupted Egg on the rocks below.

Spine of Keres Corrupted Egg 2

Another Corrupted Egg can be found attached to the very top of the Oracle observatory in Spine of Keres. This can be accessed via the back series of bridges. Don’t jump over the gap to the observatory, instead stand on the left side of the arena and look up the top of the tower to spot the Corrupted Egg in a small gap.

Spine of Keres Corrupted Egg 3

Work your way to the northern part of Spine of Keres near the bridges. The egg is on the landmass.Source: Shacknews
Work your way to the northern part of Spine of Keres near the bridges. The egg is on the landmass.
Source: Shacknews

This next Corrupted Egg is on the lower areas behind the Oracle observatory and can be reached by going through the Oracle room and out the other side (or by dropping off from the previous egg’s location). Continue through the areas until the second last bridge. Jump on the rocks to the left of the bridge and look to the rocky area that connects the two bridges, the Corrupted Egg is tucked into the side.

Gardens of Esila Corrupted Egg 1

The first Corrupted Egg in the Gardens of Esila can be found at the top of the waterfall in the main area. To easily hit the egg, stand on the bridge.

Gardens of Esila Corrupted Egg 2

The next Corrupted Egg in the Gardens of Esila is stuck to the cliffs across from the circular platform with the pillars. Stand facing the way “up” the path to the portal and look to the left to spot the egg.

Harbinger’s Seclude Corrupted Egg 1

Head into Harbinger's Seclude (via Rheasilvia's main building) and enter the temple in the cavern. The egg is in the rafters.Source: Shacknews
Head into Harbinger's Seclude (via Rheasilvia's main building) and enter the temple in the cavern. The egg is in the rafters.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Harbinger’s Seclude can be found inside the temple in the cavern deep within the area. Harbinger's Seclude is in the north of the Dreaming City, inside the building in Rheasilvia. Go inside the building and follow the main path into the large open cavern where there is a temple on the right. Head inside the temple that is built into the wall and approach the statue at the back of the room. Stand facing the statue and aim up at the ceiling, the Corrupted Egg is attached to the wall, and is slightly obscured by rocks.

Harbinger's Seclude Corrupted Egg 2

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg can be found by the statue on the outcropping in the Harbinger’s Seclude. Continue through the Harbinger’s Seclude, passing through the cavern with the temple and buildings, and outside past the winding stairs to find the statue. Depending what week it is, the Corrupted Egg will either be floating in the air or attached to the back of a floating rock.

Harbinger's Seclude Corrupted Egg 3

The last Corrupted Egg in the Harbinger’s Seclude can be found nearby the portal near the Ahamkara skulls. Stand at the portal, and instead of going left toward the skulls, go right out to the statue and the cliffs. Stand at the statue and turn right to spot a tree growing out of the rocks, the Corrupted Egg is at the base of the tree – walk close to the edge to see it.

The Corrupted Strike Corrupted Egg 1

The egg falls out of the window during the elevator section.Source: Shacknews
The egg falls out of the window during the elevator section.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Corrupted Strike will spawn during the elevator ride with the charges and immune enemies. The egg will be ejected from one of the blue windows as soon as the elevator stops for the first time. Stand watching the windows and prepare to shoot it as its falling. The egg can land on the elevator but it can also fall off the edge. It’s possible to shoot it if it falls into the mist, but it will be difficult.

The Corrupted Strike Corrupted Egg 2

This egg is tucked into the rocks in the drop-down part.Source: Shacknews
This egg is tucked into the rocks in the drop-down part.
Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg in the Corrupted Strike is found in the drop down the huge hole to the portal. Instead of dropping straight down, hop to the ledges below and look for the Corrupted Egg sitting on a rock below.

Last Wish Raid Corrupted Egg 1 - Kalli

Note: Players must input Wish 14 into the Wall of Wishes to spawn the following Corrupted Eggs. If players go to Orbit at any time, they will need to re-enter the wish to make them spawn again. Players can use the teleport wishes to shortcut their way, although the only Corrupted Egg that requires a boss kill is the one after Morgeth.

The first Corrupted Egg in the Last Wish raid is located in the Kalli fight, in a hidden cave that can only be accessed by jumping up to the centrepiece hanging above the room. From the ring of the centrepiece, place your back to the exit door and look to the right of the arch to spot a ledge. Jump to the ledge and turn left to spot the egg.

Last Wish Corrupted Egg 2 - Churo Chi

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg in the Last Wish raid is immediately after jumping across the bridge before the Shuro Chi fight. Standing at the rally raid banner spot with your back to the door, look for the large rock formation closest to the bridge. Use the ledges on the large rock to reach the Corrupted Egg.

Last Wish Corrupted Egg 3 - Morgeth

Use the rocks to the side to climb up so you can see the egg.Source: Shacknews
Use the rocks to the side to climb up so you can see the egg.
Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg can be found during the Morgeth fight. The egg is on the right side of the arena, but can only be shot by climbing the left side. The egg is tucked away on a ledge in the distance near the tree.

Last Wish Corrupted Egg 4 - After Morgeth

Go to the left side of the area after the Morgeth fight. The egg is under the area in the chasm.Source: Shacknews
Go to the left side of the area after the Morgeth fight. The egg is under the area in the chasm.
Source: Shacknews

The fourth Corrupted Egg in the Last Wish raid can be found after the Morgeth fight but before the Vault encounter. Enter the large area prior to the Vault, go over to the left side and drop down onto a ledge near the blue mist. Aim to the right to spot a hole in the wall and the Corrupted Egg.

Last Wish Corrupted Egg 5 - The Vault

The egg is on top of the gazebo that's near the ball section of the Vault.Source: Shacknews
The egg is on top of the gazebo that's near the ball section of the Vault.
Source: Shacknews

The last Corrupted Egg in the Last Wish raid is located in the Vault encounter, in the room with the giant ball/sphere/globe. Climb onto the roof above the ball and look to the crystals on the wall. There is a slight hole in the crystal that allows an arrow to hit the Corrupted Egg.

Ascendant Challenge Corrupted Eggs

These Corrupted Eggs can only be accessed when the appropriate Ascendant Challenge is active.

Ouroborea Corrupted Egg 1 – Aphelion’s Rest

Face the statue and then go to the right and look over the edge.Source: Shacknews
Face the statue and then go to the right and look over the edge.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Ouroborea Ascendant Challenge can be found by facing the statue in the middle and turning around to the right and looking over the edge. The egg will be in the distance below the platform.

Ouroborea Corrupted Egg 2 – Aphelion’s Rest

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The second Corrupted Egg in the Ouroborea Ascendant Challenge can be found by starting at the statue and turning left and walking past the tree. Continue across the circular platform and drop down to the lower bridge on the right (past a set of disconnected stairs). The Corrupted Egg can be seen glowing in the distance.

Ouroborea Corrupted Egg 3 – Aphelion’s Rest

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The third and final Corrupted Egg in the Ouroborea Ascendant Challenge can be found by starting at the statue and turning right. Walk along the grassy bridge and around the curving path until you see a tree on your left. Jump the gap to the tree and take the left path. Walk to the edge of the platform to spot the Corrupted Egg between the prongs of the building.

Forfeit Shrine Corrupted Egg 1 – Gardens of Esila

Go up the ramp near the portal at the end of the Ascendant Challenge.Source: Shacknews
Go up the ramp near the portal at the end of the Ascendant Challenge.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Forfeit Shrine Ascendant Challenge can be found to the right of the exit portal. Walk slightly up the ramp, turn right and look over the edge to spot the egg far below.

Forfeit Shrine Corrupted Egg 2 – Gardens of Esila

This egg is off the side of a bridge, obscured by some roots.Source: Shacknews
This egg is off the side of a bridge, obscured by some roots.
Source: Shacknews

The second Corrupted Egg in the Forfeit Shrine Ascendant Challenge can be found to the right of the exit portal, across a short bridge. Walk along the bridge, stopping at the second block pillar on the left and look over the edge to spot the egg down by the roots of a tree.

Shattered Ruins Corrupted Egg 1 – Spire of Keres

This egg is at the top of the jumping puzzle, behind the statue.Source: Shacknews
This egg is at the top of the jumping puzzle, behind the statue.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Shattered Ruins Ascendant Challenge can be found near the very top of the temple. When standing on the diagonal platforms leading to the hole, look to the side (left or right depending on your direction) to spot the egg behind a broken pillar.

Shattered Ruins Corrupted Egg 2 – Spire of Keres

The egg is at the top of the temple, right above the portal.Source: Shacknews
The egg is at the top of the temple, right above the portal.
Source: Shacknews

The last Corrupted Egg in the Shattered Ruins Ascendant Challenge is located at the very top of the temple, above the exit portal. Look directly up into the starry ceiling to spot the egg in the center.

Keep of Honed Edges Corrupted Egg 1 – Harbinger’s Seclude

In this image I am sword-flying back to the middle after reaching the egg.Source: Shacknews
In this image I am sword-flying back to the middle after reaching the egg.
Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Keep of Honed Edges Ascendant Challenge can be found in way off in the distance on a mountain. Start in the center of the arena with the two balconies on either side, there should be an altar straight ahead. Just the balcony on the left to jump to the roof of the little altar, and then jump to the main roof. Turn to face just left of the temple and then sword-fly out to the moutain. The corrupted egg is tucked behind the rocks. Alternatively, some players have had luck shooting the egg from the top of the temple.

Keep of Honed Edges Corrupted Egg 2 – Harbinger’s Seclude

The distant mountains can be impossible to see in the darkness, but use the sword to fly around until you spot the right ones.Source: Shacknews
The distant mountains can be impossible to see in the darkness, but use the sword to fly around until you spot the right ones.
Source: Shacknews

The second Corrupted Egg in the Keep of Honed Edges Ascendant Challenge can be found, again, way off in the distance on a mountain. Stand in the center of the arena with the two balconies in front of you, turn right and head up to the altar. Jump from the altar to the first rock platform and then quickly to the next platform on the right as this first rock will despawn. Continue jumping to the rocks to reach a circular platform. Once on the circular platform, turn right to face another mountain and if the knights have been killed, the exit should be in the distance. Jump and sword-fly to the mountain and climb to the top to find the egg tucked behind the rocks.

Agonarch Abyss Corrupted Egg 1 – Bay of Drowned Wishes

The first Corrupted Egg is found at the beginning of the Agonarch Abyss, hop to the circular platform and look up at the rocks to find the egg.

Agonarch Abyss Corrupted Egg 2 – Bay of Drowned Wishes

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The second Corrupted Egg in the Agonarch Abyss Ascendant Challenge is located near the first doughnut-shaped platform. Jump down to the doughnut platform, the egg is off the side floating on the statue’s head.

Agonarch Abyss Corrupted Egg 3 – Bay of Drowned Wishes

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The third Corrupted Egg in the Agonarch Abyss Ascendant Challenge is located on the roof of the temple at the very bottom of the jumping puzzle. This can be destroyed from the last floating ring before reaching the end.

Cimmerian Garrison Corrupted Egg 1 – Chamber of Starlight

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Cimmerian Garrison Ascendant Challenge is right near the beginning of the mission. Go through the teleporter into the Ascendant plane and walk toward the bridge that leads to the rest of the level. At the start of the bridge, look over the right-hand side to spot the egg down below.

Cimmerian Garrison Corrupted Egg 2 – Chamber of Starlight

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The second Corrupted Egg in the Cimmerian Garrison Ascendant Challenge is attached to the side of the final platform where players fight the Abyssal Knight. This egg can be shot by following the bridges straight, but not following it when it makes a sharp right turn. At this corner the final platform should be visible in the distance against the white light, and the Corrupted Egg should be easily hit with an arrow.

Cimmerian Garrison Corrupted Egg 3 – Chamber of Starlight

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The third and final Corrupted Egg in the Cimmerian Garrison is located close to the end of the level, near the winding staircase. This can be shot fairly early on, though the best option is to progress through the level to the winding stairs and look up to the right to see it hanging below the floor of the upper level.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 1

The Corrupted Eggs in the Shattered Throne are throughout the entire dungeon. Make sure you know how to complete the Shattered Throne so you can find them all easily.

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The first Corrupted Egg in the Shattered Throne is located near the Tower of the Deep. Stand facing the Tower of the Deep and turn around to spot a dead tree, the egg is tucked into the rocks.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 2

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg can be found in the Binary Shrine area of the Shattered Throne. The egg is up to the right of the symbol, at the top of the rocks. 

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 3

The egg is off in the distance and can be tough to spot.Source: Shacknews
The egg is off in the distance and can be tough to spot.
Source: Shacknews

The third Corrupted Egg in the Shattered Throne is in the Descent section of the dungeon. After making the jump down to the lower levels, approach the stairs that lead back up, the egg is off in the distance on the left.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 4

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The fourth Corrupted Egg is after the section with all the Shadow Thrall when your Guardian is slowed. After exiting the building and going into the open area, look across the chasm to the right, the egg is in the distance above the Taken pushy wall.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 5

Climb up the multiple stairs and head to the right-hand side to spot the egg.Source: Shacknews
Climb up the multiple stairs and head to the right-hand side to spot the egg.
Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg is found after the section with all the Shadow Thrall. Fight along the Taken pushy-cliff to the main stairs leading up to the next building and at the top turn right, the egg is in the distance.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 6

This one is easy to find!Source: Shacknews
This one is easy to find!
Source: Shacknews

Another Corrupted Egg can be found after defeating the first boss in the Shattered Throne. The egg is near the statue holding the Wish-Ender bow.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 7

Before running down the slope, check to the right.Source: Shacknews
Before running down the slope, check to the right.
Source: Shacknews

The seventh Corrupted Egg can be found after the statue holding the Wish-Ender bow. Before dropping down to the lower sections, stick to the right-hand side and go around the corner to find the egg in the distance.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 8

Look directly up after ascending the elevator.Source: Shacknews
Look directly up after ascending the elevator.
Source: Shacknews

The next Corrupted Egg is after the first lift after the statue. After going up the lift, walk backwards and look up to spot the egg in the ceiling.

Shattered Throne Corrupted Egg 9

When you reach the steps after the Taken pushy walls, don't continue. Look further along the route that wraps around the building.Source: Shacknews
When you reach the steps after the Taken pushy walls, don't continue. Look further along the route that wraps around the building.
Source: Shacknews

The final Corrupted Egg in the Shattered Throne is after the Taken pushy wall right before the final boss fight. Pass all the pushy portals, and before continuing inside, look over the edge of the outcropping to spot the egg on another ledge.

After finding and destroying all the Corrupted Eggs, the Corrupted Omelette triumph will unlock and players will be well on their way to completing the Triumph book. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more comprehensive collectible guides and walkthroughs.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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