Game Trader: video game and tech stock chart analysis - October 2018

Published , by Asif Khan

As the global stock market enters into the fourth quarter of 2018, many institutional investors take a look at the "technicals" of their portfolio of stocks. Technical analysis does not factor in fundamentals, the study of a company's financial statements, but merely looks at charts. I have put together a longer look at all of the stocks in our Game Trader coverage universe. Each quarter, there are some stocks that set themselves up for a multi-month trade. This video highlights a few key levels to pay attention to across a number of stocks. Please take a look.

For more interviews, gameplay footage, and more, be sure to subscribe to Shacknews and GamerHub.TV on YouTube.

I will be putting together a fundamental analysis feature to go live in the near future. I do plan on updating our Game Trader video game and tech stock ratings to account for changes in my opinions on the overall market and stocks like Facebook. 

Full Disclosure:

At the time of this article, Asif A. Khan, his family members, and his company Virtue LLC had the following positions:

Long Apple via AAPL shares and options

Short Facebook via FB options

Long GameStop via GME shares 

Long Nintendo via NTDOY shares