Life is Strange 2 voice director Philip Bach introduces the Diaz brothers

Published , by Brittany Vincent

During PAX West 2018, Shacknews sat down with Philip Bach, Life is Strange 2's voice director, with a chat about Sean and Daniel Diaz's heartbreaking journey as the two set off on their own. It's a brand new adventure with a completely different

Life is Strange 2, as Bach confirms, is of course set in the same Life is Strange universe, though you probably won't be hearing much about mainstays like Chloe and Max in this adventure – despite the fact that it takes place three years after the original game.

There's a lot to take in, if you're coming into the storyline fresh, so make sure you take a look at the interview above ahead of Life is Strange 2: Episode 1's official debut, Roads, this week on September 27.

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