Insect Glaive upgrade tree and crafting materials - Monster Hunter: World

Upgrade path and trees of both the insect glaive and the kinsect bug.


The Insect Glaive is an interesting weapon in Monster Hunter: World, as it’s a polearm that utilizes two separate but equally important tools: the glaive and the Kinsect. Upgrading both parts leads to greater results, which is why studying the Insect Glaive upgrade tree and planning out what crafting materials are needed is a good idea.

Hunters who choose to take up the Insect Glaive as their primary weapon should also take a look at the Insect Glaive movesets guide to become better acquainted with their new tool. Another worthwhile guide is the complete crafting list and recipes, so you're ready even in the midst of a hunt.

Insect Glaive upgrade tree and crafting materials

Insect Glaive bone upgrade tree

Weapon Name Dmg Elem Affinity Decoration Crafting Materials
Bone Rod 279 Monster Bone S x1, 200 Zenny
Bone Rod II 310 Monster Bone S x2, 200 Zenny
Bone Rod III 341 Monster Bone M x2, Ancient Bone x1, 1,000 Zenny
Hard Bone Rod I 434 Monster Bone L x1, Monster Bone M x5, Boulder Bone x2, 2,000 Zenny
Hard Bone Rod II 465 Monster Bone+ x2, Monster Bone L x1, Sturdy Bone x4, 4,000 Zenny
Hard Bone Rodd III 496 180 Monster Keenbone x2, Monster Bone+ x2, Quality Bone x2, 6,000 Zenny
Aerial Rod I 527 210 Monster Hardbone x4, Monster Keenbone x6, Quality Bone x10, 16,000 Zenny
Aerial Rod II 589 210 Elder Dragon Bone x4, Monster Hardbone x6, Quality Bone x20, Dragonbone Relic x1, 32,000 Zenny
Hazak Entoma I 589  150 Vaal Hazak Talon x4, Vaal Hazak Fang+ x5, Deceased Scale x6, Vaal Hazak Membrane x4, 32,000 Zenny
Hazak Entoma II 620 180 Xeno'jiiva Veil x3, Vaal Hazak Talon x6, Vaal Hazak Tail x2, Vaal Hazak Gem x1, 56,000 Zenny
Flammenkaefer 304 210 -20% Anjanath Fang x3, Anjanath Scale x3, Anjanath Pelt x2, Flame Sac x2, 2,000 Zenny
Flammenkaefer+ 558 240 -20% Anjanath Fang x4, Anjanath Scale x5, Inferno Sac x3, Anjanath Plate x1, 8,000 Zenny
Gnashing Flammenkaefer 651 270 -20% Vaal Hazak Fang+ x5, Anjanath Pelt+ x4, Anjanath Nosebone+ x2, Anjanath Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Aqua Rod I 341 60 Boulder Bone x2, Jyuratodus Shell x1, Jyuratodus Scale x3, Aqua Sac x1, 1,000 Zenny
Aqua Rod II 372 90 Sturdy Bone x5, Jyuratodus Fin x3, Jyuratodus Fang x2, Gajau Skin x3, 2,000 Zenny
Aqua Rod III 434 120 Monster Bone+ x2, Jyuratodus Fang x4, Coral Bone x2, Gajau Whisker x3, 4,000 Zenny
Water Glaive I 465 150 Quality Bone x5, Jyuratodus Carapace x2, Jyuratodus Scale+ x3, Gajau Scale x5, 6,000 Zenny
Water Glaive II 527 180 Monster Hardbone x3, Jyuratodus Fin+ x4, Torrent Sac x3, Grand Gajau Whisker x3, 16,000 Zenny
Water Glaive III 589  210 Elder Dragon Bone x4, Jyuratodus Fin+ x6, Jyuratodus Fang+ x5, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Diablos Rod I 496 -30% Twister Horn x1, Diablos Fang x2, Diablos Shell x4, Monster Bone+ x3, 4,000 Zenny
Diablos Rod II 620 120 -30% Monster Keenbone x4, Diablos Ridge x4, Diablos Tailcase x2, Diablos Marrow x1, 6,000 Zenny
Tyrannis Glaive I 682 150 -30% Majestic Horn x3, Diablos Carapace x6, Diablos Ridge+ x5, Blos Medulla x1, 16,000 Zenny
Tyrannis Glaive II 716 180 -30% Nergigante Horn+ x2, Black Spiral Horn+ x3, Black Diablos Carapace x4, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Pulsar Rod I 341 90 +10% Tobi-Kadachi Claw x1, Tobi-Kadachi Scale x3, Tobi-Kadachi Pelt x2, 1,000 Zenny
Pulsar Rod II 372 120 +10% Tobi-Kadachi Electrode x2, Tobi-Kadachi Claw x3, Electro Sac x2, Coral Crystal x3, 2,000 Zenny
Pulsar Rod III 434 150 +10% Monster Bone+ x2, Tobi-Kadachi Electrode x2, Tobi-Kadachi Membrane x2, Warped Bone x2, 4,000 Zenny
Kadachi Pillar I 465 180 +10% Tobi-Kadachi Claw x3, Tobi-Kadachi Scale+ x4, Tobi-Kadachi Pelt x3, Dragonvein Crystal x3, 8,000 Zenny
Kadachi Pillar II 527 210 +10% Majestic Horn x2, Tobi-Kadachi Electrode+ x2, Tobi-Kadachi Claw+ x4, Thunder Sac x3, 24,000 Zenny
Kadachi Pillar III 558 240 +10% Nergigante Talon x2, Tobi-Kadachi Electrode+ x4, Tobi-Kadachi Claw+ x6, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Garon Rod I 403 +10% Odogaron Claw x2, Odogaron Scale x4, Odogaron Fang x2, 4,000 Zenny
Garon Rod II 434 +10% Quality Bone x5, Odogaron Claw x2, Odogaron Tail x2, Odogaron Plate x1, 6,000 Zenny
Temptation's Trident 465 120 +20% Odogaron Claw+ x4, Odogaron Scale+ x8, Odogaron Fang+ x3, Dragonbone Relix x1, 16,000 Zenny
Vice 496 150 +20% Teostra Claw+ x2, Odogaron Claw+ x6, Odogaron Fang+ x5, Odogaron Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Dragonbone Glaive I 310 300 Warped Bone x5, Coral Bone x5, Boulder Bone x5, Ancient Bone x5, 4,000 Zenny
Dragonbone Glaive II 341 330 Monster Bone+ x6, Monster Bone L x8, Sturdy Bone x8, 4,000 Zenny
Dragonbone Glaive III 496 390 Elder Dragon Bone x10, Brutal Bone x4, Dragonbone Relic x2, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Indigo Flash 341 300 Kirin Thunderhorn x3, Kirin Hide x3, Kirin Tail x1, Lightcrystal x1, 4,000 Zenny
Azure Bolt 434 330 Kirin Azure Horn x4, Kirin Hide+ x5, Kirin Mane x4, Dragonvein Crystal x5, 32,000 Zenny
Verdant Levin 496 360 Xeno'jiiva Shell x4, Kirin Azure Horn x6, Kirin Thundertail x3, Novacrystal x2, 56,000 Zenny
Blacksteel Glaive I 310 60 Dragonvein Crystal x10, Earth Crystal x10, Coral Crystal x10, Lightcrystal x1, 12,000 Zenny
Blacksteel Glaive II 341 90 Firecell Stone x1, Fucium Ore x5, Carbalite Ore x10, Wyvern Gem x1, 16,000 Zenny
Daora's Entom 527 150 +10% Daora Claw+ x3, Daora Webbing x4, Nergigante Carapace x5, Daora Tail x2, 32,000 Zenny
Daora's Tethidine 558 180 +10% Xeno'jiiva Wing x2, Daora Horn+ x5, Daora Claw+ x4, Daora Gem x1, 56,000 Zenny
Xeno Shmaena 558 120 +15% Xeno'jiiva Claw x4, Xeno'jiiva Shell x6, Xeno'jiiva Tail x2, Xeno'jiiva Gem x1, 56,000 Zenny
Bad Wing 620  150 -25% Deviljho Scale x6, Deviljho Talon x2, Deviljho Tallfang x3, Deviljho Saliva x2, 24,000 Zenny
Grunge Storm 682 210 -25%

Insect Glaive ore upgrade tree

Weapon Name Dmg Elem Affinity Decoration Crafting Materials
Iron Blade I 248 Iron Ore x1, 200 Zenny
Iron Blade II 279 Iron Ore x2, 200 Zenny
Iron Blade III 310 Earth Crystal x3, Machalite Ore x3, Iron Ore x5, 1,000 Zenny
Steel Blade I 341 Dragonite Ore x2, Machalite Ore x5, Monster Bone M x2, 2,000 Zenny
Steel Blade II 403 Monster Bone+ x2, Dragonite Ore x5, Coral Crystal x2, Machalite Ore x10, 4,000 Zenny
Steel Blade III 434 210 Carbalite Ore x8, Dragonite Ore x5, Dragonvein Crystal x2, 6,000 Zenny
Chrome Blade I 496 240 Fucium Ore x8, Carbalite Ore x5, Dragonite Ore x10, Dragonvein Crystal x3, 16,000 Zenny
Chrome Blade II 558 270 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Fucium Ore x13, Carbalite Ore x20, Firecell Stone x1, 32,000 Zenny
Nergal Reaper 620 120 Nergigante Talon x3, Nergigante Regrowth Plate x4, Nergigante Tail x2, Nergigante Carapace x2, 32,000 Zenny
Catastrophe's Light 651 150 Xeno'jiiva Horn x2, Nergigante Horn+ x5, Nergigante Talon x5, Nergigante Gem x1, 56,000 Zenny
Flame Glaive I 372  90 +10% Rathalos Scale x1, Rathalos Webbing x2, Flame Sac x2, Rathalos Marrow x1, 4,000 Zenny
Flame Glaive II 465 120 +10% Rathalos Scale x6, Rathalos Tail x2, Rathalos Plate x1, Inferno Sac x3, 8,000 Zenny
Rathmaul 527 150 +20% Rathalos Scale+ x6, Rathalos Carapace x4, Rathalos Wing x2, Rathalos Medulla x1, 24,000 Zenny
Firedance Rathmaul 589 180 +20% Azure Rathalos Scale+ x6, Azure Rathalos Carapace x4, Azure Rathalos Wing x3, Rathalos Ruby x1, 32,000 Zenny
Kulu Blade I 310 +10% Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak x1, Kulu-Ya-Ku Hide x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale x3, 1,000 Zenny
Kulu Blade II 341 +10% Radobaan Scale x3, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume x2, Boulder Bone x3, 2,000 Zenny
Kulu Blade III 434 +10% Odogaron Claw x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume x4, Warped Bone x3, 4,000 Zenny
Ya-Ku Wrath I 465 150 +20% Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak+ x3, Kulu-Ya-Ku Hide+ x4, Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale+ x6, 6,000 Zenny
Ya-Ku Wrath II 496 180 +20% Odogaron Claw+ x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak+ x4, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume+ x3, Brutal Bone x3, 16,000 Zenny
Ya-Ku Wrath III 527 210 +20% Nergigante Talon x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak+ x5, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume+ x4, Bird Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Luminous Blade I 372 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw x2, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Photophone x1, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Scale x3, 2,000 Zenny
Luminous Blade II 434 Legiana Tail Webbing x2, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw x3,Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Photophore x2, Sharp Claw x3, 4,000 Zenny
Destroyer Bo I 496 240 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw+ x3, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Photophore+ x1, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Scale+ x5, Lightcrystal x1, 6,000 Zenny
Destroyer Bo II 527 270 Legiana Wing x2, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw+ x4, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Photophore+ x2, Piercing Claw x5, 16,000 Zenny
Destroyer Bo III 558 300 Daora Webbing x2, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw+ x5, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Photophore+ x3, Bird Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Frost Blade I 434 150 Legiana Claw x3, Legiana Scale x4, Frost Sac x2, Coral Crystal x3, 4,000 Zenny
Frost Blade II 465 180 Carbalite Ore x5, Legiana Tail Webbing x2, Legiana Webbing x3, Shamos Scale+ x5, 6,000
Freeze Gale I 496 210 Fucium Ore x5, Legiana Scale+ x5, Legiana Wing x3, Freezer Sac x3, 16,000 Zenny
Freeze Gale II 527 240 Elder Dragon Blood x3, Legiana Claw+ x5, Legiana Hide+ x3, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Blooming Glaive I 310 240 Pukei-Pukei Scale x3, Pukei-Pukei Quill x2, Poison Sac x1, 1,000 Zenny
Blooming Glaive II 341 270 Coral Crystal x3, Pukei-Pukei Sac x2, Pukei-Pukei Shell x3, Pukei-Pukei Tail x1, 2,000 Zenny
Blooming Glaive III 403 300 Monster Bone+ x2, Pukei-Pukei Quill x4, Pukei-Pukei Sac x2, Poison Sac x2, 4,000 Zenny
Datura Blade I 465 330 Pukei-Pukei Scale+ x3, Pukei-Pukei Wing x2, Toxin Sac x2, Quality Bone x3, 6,000 Zenny
Datura Blade II 496 360 Monster Hardbone x3, Pukei-Pukei Wing x3, Pukei-Pukei Carapace x5, Toxic Sac x2, 16,000 Zenny
Datura Blade III 527 390 Vaal Hazak Wing x2, Pukei-Pukei Sac+ x4, Pukei-Pukei Wing x6, Bird Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny
Gama Cane I 496 120 Dodogama Talon x4, Dodogama Scale+ x6, Dodogama Hide+ x4, 24,000 Zenny
Gama Cane II 527 150 Fire Dragon Scale+ x4, Dodogama Jaw x4, Dodogama Tail x3, Wyvern Gem x1, 32,000 Zenny

Kinsect Culldrone upgrade tree – sever

Kinsect Name Dust Power Speed Heal Crafting Materials
Culldrone I Poison Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Starter
Culldrone II Poison Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Iron Ore x3, 200 Zenny
Culldrone III Poison Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Earth Crystal x2, Monster Bone M x1, 300 Zenny
Alucanid I Poison Level 6 Level 3 Level 4 Monster Bone L x1, Iron Ore x3, 500 Zenny
Alucanid II Poison Level 8 Level 4 Level 6 Dragonite Ore x3, 800 Zenny
Alucanid III Poison Level 10 Level 5 Level 8 Monster Bone+ x2, Anjanath Fang x1, 1,200 Zenny
Monarch Alucanid I Poison Level 12 Level 6 Level 9 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Piercing Claw x2, 2,400 Zenny
Monarch Alucanid II Poison Level 13 Level 6 Level 10 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Toxic Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Monarch Alucanid III Poison Level 14 Level 7 Level 11 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Novacrystal x1, 4,800 Zenny
Empresswing I Blast Level 13 Level 5 Level 8 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Monster Broth x2, 2,400 Zenny
Empresswing II Blast Level 14 Level 5 Level 9 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Empresswing III Blast Level 15 Level 5 Level 10 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny
Rigiprayne I I Paralysis Level 3 Level 3 Level 8 Monster Bone L x1, Earth Crystal x2, 500 Zenny
Rigiprayne I II Paralysis Level 3 Level 4 Level 9 Dragonite Ore x2, Coral Crystal x2, 800 Zenny
Rigiprayne I III Paralysis Level 4 Level 4 Level 11 Monster Bone+ x2, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Claw x1, 1,200 Zenny
Cancadaman I I Paralysis Level 4 Level 10 Level 13 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Hornetaur Carapace x2, 2,400 Zenny
Cancadaman I II Paralysis Level 4 Level 11 Level 14 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Omniplegia Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Cancadaman I III Paralysis Level 4 Level 12 Level 15 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Dragonbone Relic x1, 4,800 Zenny
Fiddlebrix I Blast Level 9 Level 4 Level 13 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Shamos Hide+ x2, 2,400 Zenny
Fiddlebrix II Blast Level 10 Level 4 Level 14 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Fiddlebrix III Blast Level 11 Level 4 Level 15 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny
Windchopper I Heal Level 4 Level 6 Level 3 Monster Bone L x1, Machalite Ore x1, 500 Zenny
Windchopper II Heal Level 4 Level 8 Level 3 Dragonite Ore x2, Machalite Ore x3, 800 Zenny
Windchopper III Heal Level 4 Level 10 Level 3 Monster Bone+ x2, Rathian Webbing x1, 1,200 Zenny
Grancathar I Heal Level 4 Level 13 Level 7 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Hornetaur Innerwing x2, 2,400 Zenny
Grancathar II Heal Level 4 Level 14 Level 9 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Lightcrystal x1, 3,600 Zenny
Grancathar III Heal Level 4 Level 15 Level 11 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Novacrystal x1, 4,800 Zenny
Pseudocath I Blast Level 8 Level 13 Level 3 Monster Keenbone x2, Carbalite Ore x3, Monster Broth x2, 2,400 Zenny
Pseudocath II Blast Level 10 Level 14 Level 3 Monster Hardbone x2, Fucium Ore x2, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Pseudocath III Blast Level 12 Level 15 Level 3 Elder Dragon Bone x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny

Kinsect Mauldrone upgrade tree – blunt

Kinsect Name Dust Power Speed Heal Crafting Requirements
Mauldrone I Heal Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Starter
Mauldrone II Heal Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Monster Bone S x3, 200 Zenny
Mauldrone III Heal Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Monster Bone M x2, Boulder Bone x1, 300 Zenny
Foebeetle I Poison Level 6 Level 4 Level 4 Monster Bone L x1, Boulder Bone x1, 500 Zenny
Foebeetle II Poison Level 8 Level 5 Level 4 Sturdy Bone x3, 800 Zenny
Foebeetle III Poison Level 10 Level 6 Level 4 Monster Bone+ x2, Wyvern Bonemass x1, 1,200 Zenny
Carnage Beetle I Poison Level 11 Level 8 Level 4 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Dragonvein Crystal x2, 2,400 Zenny
Carnage Beetle II Poison Level 12 Level 9 Level 4 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Toxin Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Carnage Beetle III Poison Level 13 Level 11 Level 4 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Novacrystal x1, 4,800 Zenny
Bonnetfille I Blast Level 12 Level 6 Level 6 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Jagras Hide+ x2, 2,400 Zenny
Bonnetfille II Blast Level 13 Level 6 Level 7 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Bonnetfille III Blast Level 14 Level 6 Level 8 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny
Ladytarge I Paralysis Level 4 Level 4 Level 6 Monster Bone L x1, Monster Bone S x3, 500 Zenny
Ladytarge II Paralysis Level 4 Level 5 Level 7 Sturdy Bone x2, Coral Bone x1, 800 Zenny
Ladytarge III Paralysis Level 5 Level 6 Level 8 Monster Bone+ x2, Great Girros Fang x1, 1,200 Zenny
Ladypavise I Paralysis Level 7 Level 6 Level 13 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Girros Hide+ x2, 2,400 Zenny
Ladypavise II Paralysis Level 8 Level 6 Level 14 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Omniplegia Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Ladypavise III Paralysis Level 9 Level 6 Level 15 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Dragonbone Relic x1, 4,800 Zenny
Arkmaiden I Blast Level 5 Level 6 Level 13 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Vespoid Carapace x2, 2,400 Zenny
Arkmaiden II Blast Level 6 Level 6 Level 14 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Arkmaiden III Blast Level 7 Level 6 Level 15 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny
Gullshad I Heal Level 3 Level 6 Level 4 Monster Bone L x1, Ancient Bone x2, 500 Zenny
Gullshad II Heal Level 3 Level 8 Level 4 Sturdy Bone x2, Warped Bone x1, 800 Zenny
Gullshad III Heal Level 3 Level 10 Level 5 Monster Bone+ x2, Paolumu Shell x1, 1,200 Zenny
Bullshroud I Heal Level 5 Level 13 Level 5 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Wingdrake Hide+ x2, 2,400 Zenny
Bullshroud II Heal Level 5 Level 14 Level 6 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Lightcrystal x1, 3,600 Zenny
Bullshroud III Heal Level 5 Level 15 Level 7 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Novacrystal x1, 4,800 Zenny
Whispervesp I Blast Level 3 Level 12 Level 8 Monster Keenbone x2, Quality Bone x3, Vespoid Innerwing x2, 2,400 Zenny
Whispervesp II Blast Level 3 Level 13 Level 9 Monster Hardbone x2, Brutal Bone x1, Inferno Sac x2, 3,600 Zenny
Whispervesp III Blast Level 3 Level 15 Level 11 Elder Dragon Blood x2, Monster Hardbone x3, Firecell Stone x1, 4,800 Zenny

 Be sure to check out the Shacknews Monster Hunter: World guide and walkthrough for a collection of other valuable resources.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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