Sea of Thieves Patch 1.2.1 re-enables skeleton forts and fixes players-cannon interaction

Published , by Sam Chandler

Sea of Thieves has received its weekly update, and this week’s patch notes for version 1.2.1 fix a few issues that have been plaguing players for weeks. When fired out of a cannon, players will no longer be deafened by the shot nor will they be fired at odd angles – this should make ship-to-ship boarding far easier.

Another quality of life change is that the skeleton ship spawns have been shifted to ensure players who can only play during one time frame can experience all regions across the three week Cursed Sails campaign. This means that a player who can only play at 7pm at night will be able to fight skeleton ships in the Ancient Isles, Shores of Plenty, and The Wilds. This change will ensure all players have a shot at unlocking the Cursed Sails commendations.

Be sure to check out the Shacknews skeleton ship spawn times and locations guide for a helpful table to tell you when and where skeleton ships will be breaching the waters. Players on Windows 10 struggling to get back into the game should read our guide on how to update Sea of Thieves on PC.

Sea of Thieves Patch Notes 1.2.1

Download size:


Performance Improvements

Fixed Issues

Known Issues

Be sure to sail past the Shacknews Sea of Thieves guide and walkthrough for more helpful articles.

Source: Sea of Thieves