Android 9 Pie update rolling out to Google Pixel phones today, here's what's new

Published , by Charles Singletary Jr

If you're a Pixel smartphone owner, you're about to get a fresh dose of Android juice. Android OS update number nine aka Pie, which hit public beta back in May this year, is finally rolling out to Pixel users. Non-Pixel Android users, specifically the ones that were a part of the beta program, can expect the update later in Fall 2018.

Google reveals that the new Android update is rolling out to Pixel smartphones as of today, August 6, and the collective updates seem to all point to a heightened sense of efficiency and control. For those that own them, smartphones are a crucial part of everyday existence and Android Pie has features that will get users to the desired actions faster. 

Another focus is user digital wellbeing, which Google is addressing by showing the user data and giving users options to help themselves curb any issues. For example, the new dashboard will tell you exactly how you're spending your time on your smartphone and the app timer option will let you limit the amount of time you can use a specific app daily. The blog post breaks down the individual major updates and changes, so here are the bullet points:

Google is working with hardware manufacturers outside of Pixel and beta program devices to get the Pie update, so look out for updates in the near future. Stay tuned to Shacknews and share your Pie update takes in Chatty.