Specialist Classes and Abilities in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Published , by Kevin Tucker

Now that Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is here, players are quickly trying to work out which of the ten available Specialists are the best to use in multiplayer. These hero-like classes allow players to take advantage of special abilities that suit their strategic needs, and a understanding their strengths and weaknesses will become a big part of effective teamwork. Read on to learn more about each of the different specialist classes in Black Ops 4.

Specialists and Class Abilities in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

There are eight different classes available in the Black Ops 4 multiplayer component, and all of them have their obvious strengths: the Rusher named Ruin has the grapple gun that allows for maximum agility, while the intel operator Recon is able to reveal enemy locations in the surrounding area. There's a little something for everyone, but more importantly, every specialist has their own critical role to fulfill in combat.

Name: Ajax
Role: Area Clearance

Name: Battery
Role: Demolitions

Name: Crash
Role: Team Support

Name: Firebreak
Role: Area Denial

Name: Nomad
Role: Ambush Tactics

Name: Prophet
Role: Remote Disruption

Name: Recon
Role: Intel Operations

Name: Ruin
Role: Frontal Assault

Name: Seraph
Role: Tactical Command

Name: Torque
Role: Path Blocker

There's still a while to wait before Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 releases out until the wild on October 12. Until then, be sure to check up on related news concerning other presentation reveals, including three different zombies modes and a report confirming the game's lack of a single-player campaign.