All Eyes of Odin Raven Locations in God of War
Blind the Allfather by finding and killing all the Eyes of Odin birds in God of War.
The mythical world of God of War is full of gods and dieties, with the most powerful being Odin. He gets this power from his Eyes of Odin, ravens that keep a close eye on the happenings of the realms. If you want to get the upper hand – and of course unlock the Platinum Trophy – you’ll want to find all these ethereal green ravens and kill them.
Last updated on April 15, 2020 at 9:36 p.m. EST.
All Eye of Odin Bird Locations
There are 51 Eye of Odin ravens to be found across Midgard, Alfheim, and Helheim, and all of them are supremely well-hidden. Tracking them down requires listening to the crystal-like sound they make and keeping your eyes peeled for a bird that looks a bit unusual.
Defeat the Valkyrie Queen to get the Retribution Axe Pommel. This thing gives the axe zero “drop” when thrown, making it go in a straight line – forever. It makes it exceptionally easy to hit those far away Eye of Odin ravens.
All Eye of Odin Ravens in Midgard
There are 43 Eye of Odin birds in Midgard, scattered across all the different regions. Finding them all requires accessing all the side-quest areas, such as Veithurgard and Konunsgard.
Wildwoods – 1 raven
Wildwoods Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin is located in the hidden chamber in the Wildwoods. To find it, start at Kratos’ home, go into the backyard, climb the wooden ladder, drop down into the next arena and turn left. You must know how to unlock hidden chambers to proceed. Go down the elevator inside and enter the arena. Look to the right and into the sky to see the Eye of Odin raven circling.
The River Pass – 6 ravens
River Pass Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found in The River Pass, specifically, the Wildwood’s Edge near where Kratos and Atreus fall through a rotten bridge, right before meeting Brok for the first time. When in the area below the bridge, look up to see the bird perched on tree branch. Alternatively, wait until you meet Brok on the bridge and turn around to spot the bird from another angle.
River Pass Eye of Odin 2

Another Eye of Odin can be found after Kratos and Atreus open their first circular door using a sand riddle and before the fight with the troll in the ribcage. You will pass through a cave with a hole on the right-hand side with sunlight pouring in. The Eye of Odin is at the top of this skylight and is extremely difficult to spot.
River Pass Eye of Odin 3

An Eye of Odin can be found in The River Pass where you fight a troll, in the area after Brok’s first shop, and after the sand riddle. This fight takes place in the middle of a ribcage, and it’s at the top of one of these ribcage bones where you’ll spot the bird.
River Pass Eye of Odin 4

Another Eye of Odin can be found in The River Pass in a burned and looted village between Kratos’ home and the Witch’s home. This area is found after Atreus’ shoots the magical boar. The bird is on top of the roof of one of the little houses.
River Pass Eye of Odin 5

Another Eye of Odin can be found in The River Pass, in front of the Witch’s house. Climb up the chain and walk along the path, the bird is perched on top of a rock past the Nornir chest.
River Pass Eye of Odin 6

The last Eye of Odin in The River Pass can be found in the hidden chamber below the Witch’s house. Ride the elevator down, and enter the arena and turn right, the bird is up high on a statue.
Foothills – 2 ravens
Foothills Eye of Odin 1

Another Eye of Odin is located at the very edge of the Foothills before it becomes The Mountains near there wooden lift. Ride the lift to the top – or when you first reach the snowy mountain area turn left and go to the wooden lift – and look to the snowy peak beside the wheel to spot the Eye of Odin raven.
Foothills Eye of Odin 2

This Eye of Odin can be found inside the hidden chamber in the Foothills. Ride the elevator down, step toward the arena, but before you jump the gap, turn around and look above the doorway you just stepped through. The raven is on the rafter of the door.
The Mountain – 4 ravens
The Mountain Eye of Odin 1

The first Eye of Odin you can find in The Mountain is shortly after the statue of the stag. Take the path on the right, through the narrow cave, and under the heavy stone Kratos must lift. Ahead of you is a bridge with a hole, along with a couple of spinning Nornir statues. Walk to the hole in the bridge and look on the wooden beams below to find the bird.
The Mountain Eye of Odin 2

This Eye of Odin can be found in the main cavern area of The Mountain, the section with the claw that Kratos and Atreus ride to the top. Enter this cavern and go straight to find a tunnel, pass through the tunnel to find Brok and his shop on the left. Opposite Brok is a cliff with the raven circling in the air.
The Mountain Eye of Odin 3

An Eye of Odin can be found deep within The Mountain, in the open cavern area where Kratos and Atreus ride the block up using the claw. Enter the cavern area and turn left to face a long corridor with a large dead animal in shackles on the ground. Climb the upper walkway near the dead beast to spot the Eye of Odin raven sitting across a broken bridge on a rock.
The Mountain Eye of Odin 4

The final Eye of Odin in The Mountain can be found in the hidden chamber. Go down the elevator, enter the arena, and turn left to see the raven sitting on the ledge.
Lookout Tower – 1 raven
Lookout Tower Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found near the Vanaheim tower in Midgard, though this is technically the Lookout Tower. The easiest way to spot it is to walk along the bridge toward the Foothills and look over to the right toward the large statue of Thor. The raven is flying is circles above the lake.
Shores of Nine – 1 raven
Shores of Nine Eye of Odin 1

The only Eye of Odin that is technically in the Shores of Nine can be found by standing on the Niflheim Tower. This might only be possible once the water has been lowered twice. Take the elevator to the top and head to the side of the platform near the mystic gate to see a Viking shipwreck, at the stern of the ship is the Eye of Odin raven.
Forgotten Caverns – 2 ravens
Forgotten Caverns Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin is located in the north of the Lake of Nine, at the Forgotten Caverns. Dock the boat on the beach and approach the Nornir chest. To the left of the chest is the spinning pole with the rune bells, and on top of it is the bird.
Forgotten Caverns Eye of Odin 2

This Eye of Odin can be found in the Forgotten Caverns once the water has been lowered a second time. Look for a tunnel in the side of the cliff through which to row the boat (behind the Svartalfheim Tower), and then stick to the left of the Yggdrasil dew to find a place to dock. Climb the rock wall to the top and then look back down to spot the raven.
Isle of Death – 1 raven
Isle of Death Eye of Odin 1

There is only one Eye of Odin to be found on the Isle of Death, and it’s right near the dock on the north side of the island. Dock the boat and look to the left to see a chain (or a wall where a chain can be kicked down). There is a gap in the wall below a ship, it’s here you’ll see the raven.
Iron Cove – 1 raven
Iron Cove Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found by locating the split shipwreck at the top of the Iron Cove and climbing its ladder to reach the deck. Look out to the west to see the Eye of Odin raven flying in circles.
Landsuther Mines – 2 ravens
Landsuther Mines Eye of Odin 1

An Eye of Odin can be found right as you enter Landsuther Mines. Climb the wooden ladder and before you jump down to the next area, the bird will be in front of you on a wooden beam above the mystic gate.
Landsuther Mines Eye of Odin 2

This Eye of Odin is found deep within the Landsuther Mines. Progress through the mines until you come across the Traveler and the dead Soul Eater, just past here is an open area with a raised pallet filled with blocks. At the top of this cavern is a bird perched on the rock wall.
Northri Stronghold – 2 ravens
Northri Stronghold Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found in the Northri Stronghold opposite Sindri.
Northri Stronghold Eye of Odin 2

Another Eye of Odin can be found in the area with the main ship. Climb onto the ship and look at the barred gate, the raven is sitting on one of the bars near the top.
Council of Valkyries – 1 raven
Council of Valkyries Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found outside the Council of Valkyries, on the southern boat statue. To hit the raven, stand on the beach near the Helheim Tower or the beach at the Alfheim Tower and look to the figurehead of the boat to spot the raven perched on top.
Buri’s Storeroom – 1 raven
Buri's Storeroom Eye of Odin 1

The Eye of Odin on Buri’s Storeroom is difficult to spot and actually hit. Dock the boat on the beach and look to the left toward the gate. Beyond the gate is a cliff with a tunnel, the raven is flying through the tunnel and around the cliff in a circle.
Stone Falls – 1 raven
Stone Falls Eye of Odin 1

The Eye of Odin at Stone Falls can be found by starting at the mystic gateway, jumping across the wooden bridge, and turning to face the waterfall. At the top of the waterfall is the Eye of Odin raven.
Volunder Mines – 1 raven
Volunder Mines Eye of Odin 1

Another Eye of Odin can be found near the entrance to the Volunder Mines in the south-east area of the Lake of Nine. Find the dock for Volunder Mines and walk around the shoreline, the bird is flying in circles above the water.
Cliffs of the Raven – 1 raven
Cliffs of the Raven Eye of Odin 1

Eye of Odin can be found in the Cliffs of the Raven in the Lake of Nine. Dock the boat, move around the shoreline and look for wood barricading a crawlspace for Atreus. Break it, boost Atreus up, then climb the chain he throws down. Look over the edge toward the World Serpent, the Eye of Odin is on a rock nearby. This is also where you can find one of the Muspelheim ciphers.
Thamur’s Corpse – 2 ravens
Thamur's Corpse Eye of Odin 1

The first Eye of Odin raven in the Thamur’s Corpse region is right near the mystic gateway at the dock. Standing at the dock, look behind the mystic gateway toward the wall to spot the bird hopping around. This Eye of Odin may only become available later on in the main story.
Thamur's Corpse Eye of Odin 2

The final Eye of Odin in Thamur’s Corpse can be found within the hidden chamber. Ride the elevator down and enter the arena, immediately look up to the branches of the tree to find the raven.
Fafnir’s Storeroom – 5 ravens
Fafnir's Storeroom Eye of Odin 1

The first Eye of Odin can be found as you arrive at Fafnir’s Storeroom, or as you leave. Near the dock, look up at the wooden crane to spot the Eye of Odin raven sitting at the highest point.
Fafnir's Storeroom Eye of Odin 2

To find this Eye of Odin, head to Fafnir’s Storeroom which is located to the north-west of the Lake of Nine in Midgard. As you enter, you will find Sindri’s shop, just past him is the bird, circling in the air.
Fafnir's Storeroom Eye of Odin 3

Another Eye of Odin can be found in Fafnir’s Storeroom right near the beginning of the region. As you enter the forest area, on the left is a waterfall with the bird sitting on a branch.
Fafnir's Storeroom Eye of Odin 4

This Eye of Odin is a little tough to spot, but it’s sitting on the crossbeam of a cave system leading to a locked door in Fafnir’s Storeroom, in the main forest area.
Fafnir's Storeroom Eye of Odin 5

The last Eye of Odin can be found in Fafnir’s Storeroom, deep in the inner cavern. To locate this bird, move through the forest and into the cave to reach a ledge to drop down into a circular room. The Eye of Odin is flying in circles above the center platform.
Konunsgard – 5 ravens
Konunsgard Eye of Odin 1

Another Eye of Odin can be found in Konunsgard. As Kratos enters the area, drop down the chain and hug the left path and go past a poison lamp. You’ll come across a casket, and over the ledge behind it is an Eye of Odin bird.
Konunsgard Eye of Odin 2

This Eye of Odin is located beneath the dragon in Konunsgard, in the side of the cliff wall.
Konunsgard Eye of Odin 3

This Eye of Odin can be found just before the dragon tether statue in Konunsgard. The easiest way to find this raven is to start at the tether statue, looking to where the dragon would be, and turn right and follow the path up the hill, making sure to hug the right-hand wall. Climb the small ledge on the right up to a red casket and then look to the cliffs to the south – the Eye of Odin raven is hidden in the fog.
Konunsgard Eye of Odin 4

An Eye of Odin can be found in the lower area of Konunsgard behind a rock door locked by three Nornir runes with a lot of red crystals nearby. Unlock the door and go around the bend to the left. Drop the wooden bridge, stand on it and look to the right to see the raven on a rock.
Konunsgard Eye of Odin 5

The final Eye of Odin in Konunsgard can be found inside the dwarf king’s fortress. Open the door and take the first right to find a Jotnar shrine. Turn left and hop up the ledge, on the right is a casket. Above the casket is a hole in the top of the fortress, it’s here where the raven will be sitting.
Veithurgard – 3 ravens
Veithurgard Eye of Odin 1

The first Eye of Odin that can be found in Veithurgard is near the statue of Thor on the little island. Go to the island and look to the sky to see the bird circling the small landmass.
Veithurgard Eye of Odin 2

An Eye of Odin can be found directly below the dragon in Veithurgard behind a wooden barricade. Smash the barricades with the Leviathan axe to reveal the bird’s location.
Veithurgard Eye of Odin 3

The final Eye of Odin in Veithurgard can be found to the left of the large, rune-locked double doors to the left of the dragon. Face the huge doors, turn left and look behind the statue’s fallen head to find this last raven.
All Eye of Odin Ravens in Alfheim – 2 ravens
Alfheim Eye of Odin 1

This Eye of Odin can be found after collecting the boat in Alfheim. Paddle through the water until you reach the Lake of Light. Head to the left and onto the beach, the green Eye of Odin bird is sitting on a platform along the cliff.
Alfheim Eye of Odin 2

Another Eye of Odin can be found inside the Hidden Chamber of Odin in Alfheim. Ride the elevator down, enter the arena, and look up to the left to spot the bird sitting on the edge of the roof.
All Eye of Odin Ravens in Helheim – 6 ravens
Helheim Eye of Odin 1

Another Eye of Odin can be found when you visit Helheim. Walk straight from the entrance until you reach the circular roof, the bird is perched on a green gem above the area.
Helheim Eye of Odin 2

An Eye of Odin can be found in Helheim past the main bridge. Drop down to the left and then move down into the lower area. Look over the edge into the bottomless ravine to see the bird circling.
Helheim Eye of Odin 3

This Eye of Odin is located by following the main path through Helheim. Start at the main gate and work your way down the left, shimmy through the tunnel. Drop down to the lower area and then down further into the arena. There is a climbable wall that appears to lead to nothing, look behind the pillar to spot the bird sitting behind it.
Helheim Eye of Odin 4

To find this Eye of Odin, head to Helheim and continue along the bridge until you arrive at the section with little bridges above the main one. Look to the right to see a path blocked by red sap, clear the path to reveal a chest, casket, and the Eye of Odin bird sitting on a stone.
Helheim Eye of Odin 5

Another Eye of Odin can be found in Helheim by using Atreus’ Shock Arrow. Continue down the main path, through the double doors, and to the section of bridge with walkways across it. There will be a door on the upper level on the left that is blocked by World Tree Sap, clear the path to find the bird inside on a stone pillar.
Helheim Eye of Odin 6

An Eye of Odin can be found inside the hidden chamber in Helheim. Continue along the main bridge, through the double doors, until you reach a section of the bridge with paths cutting across it. Climb the block to the door that is covered with World Tree Sap, clear it and ride the elevator down into the hidden chamber. The bird can be sees high above the entrance to the arena as the elevator reaches the bottom.
After finding the last Eye of Odin, you should have unlocked the Allfather Blinded Trophy and scratched off another collectible from God of War’s to-do list. With that out of the way, make sure you know where to find all legendary chests and then swing by our God of War guide for more walkthroughs and collectible guides!