PUBG Weapon Attachment Guide: Magazines and Stocks
Get a grip on your grips, sights, muzzles, and magazines!
In the world of PUBG, guns don’t kill people, people with well-outfitted guns kill people. While it is true that any player can possibly reach victory using only their fists, your chances drastically improve if you manage to procure a firearm of some type. Generally, very experienced first person shooter players can control most hostile encounters through superior recoil control and rapid, pinpoint aiming. For the other 98% of PUBG players, outfitting your guns with a few attachments can help to level the playing field, or at the very least, make it slightly easier to land a critical shot.
For an absolute beginner, the array of attachments you can find for weapons can be overwhelming. Some attachments only work with a single weapon type, others are more versatile and can provide enhancement to several weapon types. As the gameplay in PUBG is rather dynamic, there really is no “best” attachment or set of attachments for every situation. While a long-range scope and silencer is incredibly handy to have on an assault rifle for engagements beyond 250 meters, that same configuration will put you at a severe disadvantage when confronted with an up close and personal firefight. Today, we cover all the magazines and stocks you can find in-game.
Extended Mag for AR, S12K

Attaches To: AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended Mag for AR, S12K is as simple as it sounds. It will expand the magazine size for any weapon it is attached to. In this case, it brings the maximum magazine size for assault rifles from 30 to 40 rounds in total. For the S12K auto shotgun, the magazine is extended from 5 to 8 rounds. As an added benefit, reloading time is slightly reduced when this magazine is equipped.
QuickDraw Mag for AR, S12K

Attaches To: AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The QuickDraw Mag for AR, S12K is as simple as it sounds. It reduces the amount of time needed to bring the weapon up from your hip and to aim down the sights.
Extended QuickDraw Mag for AR, S12K

Attaches To: AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended QuickDraw Mag for AR, S12K is as simple as it sounds. It will expand the magazine size for any weapon it is attached to. In this case, it brings the maximum magazine size for assault rifles from 30 to 40 rounds in total. For the S12K auto shotgun, the magazine is extended from 5 to 8 rounds. As an added benefit, reloading time is slightly reduced when this magazine is equipped. This QuickDraw variant of the extended mag also reduces the time it takes to raise your firearm and aim down the sights.
Extended Mag for Pistols

Attaches To: P1911, P92, P18C
What it does and when to use it:
Like its bigger assault rifle brother, the Extended Mag for Pistols increases the number of rounds you can fire from a single magazine and allows for a reduction in the time it takes to reload the weapon. For the M1911, magazine capacity increases from 7 to 12 rounds. For the P18C, capacity is increased from 17 to 25 rounds. Finally, for the P92, capacity is increased from 15 to 20 rounds.
QuickDraw Mag for Pistols

Attaches To: P1911, P92, P18C
What it does and when to use it:
The QuickDraw Mag for pistols reduces the time required to pull up your firearm from the hip and aim down the sights.
Extended Quickdraw Mag for Pistols

Attaches To: P1911, P92, P18C
What it does and when to use it:
Like its bigger assault rifle brother, the Extended QuickDraw Mag for Pistols increases the number of rounds you can fire from a single magazine and allows for a reduction in the time it takes to reload the weapon. For the M1911, magazine capacity increases from 7 to 12 rounds. For the P18C, capacity is increased from 17 to 25 rounds. Finally, for the P92, capacity is increased from 15 to 20 rounds. Additionally, the magazine reduces the time required to pull up your firearm from the hip and aim down the sights.
Extended Mag for SMGs

Attaches To: UMP9, Micro Uzi, Vector, Tommy Gun
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended Mag for SMGs allows players to increase the weapon mag capacity. For the Micro Uzi, capacity increases from 25 to 35 rounds. For the UMP9, the capacity increases from 30 to 40 rounds. For the Vector, Capacity increases from 13 to 25 rounds. Finally, for the Tommy Gun, capacity increases from 30 to 50 rounds. The Extended Mag for SMGs also includes a slight reduction in the time it takes to reload a weapon. This attachment is absolutely essential for the SMG class of weapons, particularly the Micro Uzi and Vector. As these weapons are best used at close range in full-auto firing modes, having more rounds available before needing a reload can be the difference between life and death.
QuickDraw Mag for SMGs

Attaches To: UMP9, Micro Uzi, Vector, Tommy Gun
What it does and when to use it:
The Quickdraw Mag for SMGs decreases the time required to reload your weapon. With SMGs like the Vector and Micro Uzi having small magazines in their stock form, reload speed reduction is important and is essentially a damage per second boost for encounters that require more than one magazine to complete.
Extended QuickDraw Mag for SMGs

Attaches To: UMP9, Micro Uzi, Vector, Tommy Gun
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended QuickDraw Mag for SMGs allows players to increase the weapon mag capacity. For the Micro Uzi, capacity increases from 25 to 35 rounds. For the UMP9, the capacity increases from 30 to 40 rounds. For the Vector, Capacity increases from 13 to 25 rounds. Finally, for the Tommy Gun, capacity increases from 30 to 50 rounds. The Extended Mag for SMGs also includes a slight reduction in the time it takes to reload a weapon. This attachment is absolutely essential for the SMG class of weapons, particularly the Micro Uzi and Vector. As these weapons are best used at close range in full-auto firing modes, having more rounds available before needing a reload can be the difference between life and death. The Extended QuickDraw Mag for SMGs also reduce the time required to pull your weapon up from the hip and aim down the sights. If you have a choice, the Extended QuickDraw is always the preferred magazine for your SMG.
Extended Mag for Snipers, DMR

Attaches To: M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended Mag for Snipers, DMR increases the overall magazine capacity for your weapon. For the AWM and M24, capacity is increased from 5 to 7 rounds. For the Mk14 EBR, SKS, and VSS, overall capacity is increased from 10 to 20 rounds. Finally, for the Mini 14, overall capacity is increased from 20 to 30 rounds. While extended magazines are not critical to have when engaging long range targets, they are certainly nice to have and are always a recommended pickup if you have no other magazine attachment for your sniper rifle.
QuickDraw Mag for Snipers, DMR

Attaches To: M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14
What it does and how to use it:
The QuickDraw Mag for Snipers, DMR reduces the amount of time needed to reload your weapon.
Extended QuickDraw Mag for Snipers, DMR

Attaches To: M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14
What it does and when to use it:
The Extended QuickDraw Mag for Snipers, DMR increases the overall magazine capacity for your weapon. For the AWM and M24, capacity is increased from 5 to 7 rounds. For the Mk14 EBR, SKS, and VSS, overall capacity is increased from 10 to 20 rounds. Finally, for the Mini 14, overall capacity is increased from 20 to 30 rounds. This Extended QuickDraw variant of the Extended magazine offers the best of both worlds, allowing for increased capacity and faster reloads.
Stock Attachments
Bullet Loops for S1897, S686

Attaches To: S1897, S686
What it does and how to use it:
The Bullet Loops for shotguns increase the speed at which you reload the two shotguns available by 30%. As both shotguns must be reloaded one round at a time, the speed bonus granted by the Bullet Loops is a massive upgrade. This is an absolutely essential attachment for anyone who prefers to run with a shotgun.
Bullet Loops for Snipers

Attaches To: Kar98k, Win94
What it does and how to use it:
The Bullet Loops for Snipers speeds up reloads for the Kar98k or Win94 by 30%. While the Kar98k is the preferred sniper rifle for many players, it must be reloaded one round at a time , unless all 5 rounds in the clip are used(an entirely new clip is loaded in this case). This 30% speed boost is a must for players who like to reload after one or two shots. As an added benefit, the Bullet Loops for Snipers also decrease base spread by 50%.
Cheek Pad for Sniper Rifle

Attaches To: M24, AWM, Kar98k, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR
What it does and how to use it:
The Cheek Pad for Sniper Rifles is the best of the available sniper attachments (outside of the long range sights, obviously). When equipped, the Cheek Pad will reduce vertical recoil by 20%, weapon sway by 15%, and can reduce recoil recovery time so that you can quickly line up your next shot. This attachment is not super-common, so always grab it when you see it.
Stock for Micro Uzi

Attaches To: Micro Uzi
What it does and how to use it:
As the title suggests, the Stock for Micro Uzi attaches to the Micro Uzi. It lowers vertical recoil by 20% and the overall recoil pattern by 20%. Like the Sniper Rifle cheek pad, the Micro Uzi stock also speeds up recovery from recoil, allowing you to line up your next shot faster, in the odd case where you would not be using the SMG in a full-auto mode. When paired with either of the extended magazines, this attachment turns the lowly Micro Uzi into a bite-sized angel of death.
Tactical Stock for M416, Vector

Attaches To: M416, Vector
What it does and how to use it:
The Tactical Stock will help improve weapon handling for the two firearms that it currently attaches to. A 20% reduction in recoil pattern, a 10% reduction in sway, and a 10% increase in recoil recovery are active when this stock is equipped.
That wraps up the overview for magazines and stocks for your guns in PUBG. For a closer look at other PUBG weapon attachments, check out our guide for muzzle attachments or our guide to sights and grips. For tips and suggestions to get the best performance from your PC while playing PUBG, check out our Graphics Settings Guide and increase your FPS.