PUBG Weapon Attachment Guide: Sights and Grips
Get a grip on your grips, sights, muzzles, and magazines!
In the world of PUBG, guns don’t kill people, people with well-outfitted guns kill people. While it is true that any player can possibly reach victory using only their fists, your chances drastically improve if you manage to procure a firearm of some type. Generally, very experienced first person shooter players can control most hostile encounters through superior recoil control and rapid, pinpoint aiming. For the other 98% of PUBG players, outfitting your guns with a few attachments can help to level the playing field, or at the very least, make it slightly easier to land a critical shot.
For an absolute beginner, the array of attachments you can find for weapons can be overwhelming. Some attachments only work with a single weapon type, others are more versatile and can provide enhancement to several weapon types. As the gameplay in PUBG is rather dynamic, there really is no “best” attachment or set of attachments for every situation. While a long-range scope and silencer is incredibly handy to have on an assault rifle for engagements beyond 250 meters, that same configuration will put you at a severe disadvantage when confronted with an up close and personal firefight. Today, we cover all the muzzle attachments currently in the game.
Sight Attachments (Upper Rail)
Red Dot Sight

Attaches To: UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Crossbow, Vector, Groza, P18C, P1911, P92, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, R45
What it does and when to use it:
The Red Dot Sight uses a hologram projection to give you a red dot that assists when aiming down your weapon sights. When attached to your weapon, it reduces the time taken to aim down your sights by 20%. While very similar to the Holographic Sight, it has a less bulky frame. There is no downside to using the Red Dot Sight versus iron sights. One of the most versatile attachments in the game, it will mount to almost every weapon you can equip.
Holographic Sight

Attaches To: UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Crossbow, Vector, Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The Holographic Sight is very similar to the Red Dot Sight. It offers no magnification, but supplies a holographic reticle that helps when aiming down the sights of your weapon. It has a much bulkier frame than the Red Dot Sight, so it is possible that you may see less of what going on in front of you when looking down the sight. For most players, deciding between the Holographic Sight and Red Dot Sight comes down to personal preference.
2x Aimpoint Scope

Attaches To: UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Vector, Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The 2x Aimpoint Scope provides a small amount of magnification (1.8x to be exact) when aiming down your weapon sights. It has a circular green reticle to assist with aiming at your targets. While the boost in magnification it offers over the Red Dot and Holographic sights is not massive, it can be a great help in the right situation. The 2x Aimpoint Scope has a secret that makes it incredibly useful in intermediate range engagements. It can be used as a rudimentary rangefinder. A player standing 100 meters from you will fit exactly between the top and bottom edge of the green outer circle. At 200 meters, the target will fit between the center dot and outer circle. As most engagements happen within 300 meters, the 2x Scope can be very helpful for zeroing in your weapon before taking your shot.
4x ACOG Scope

Attaches To: UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
Arguably the most coveted weapon sight in PUBG, the 4x ACOG scope offers 4 times magnification for a wide range of weapons in the game. It comes with a built-in rangefinder. The 4x Scope is zeroed at 100 meters by default. At 100 meters, your shot will land on the tip of the red chevron. At 200 meters, you should aim with the underside of the chevron tip. At 300 meters, use the tip of the vertical line. At 400 meters, the first cross point will land the perfect hit. The 4x Scope is excellent for all intermediate and long range engagements. You should always pick this attachment up when you find it, even if you don’t yet have a weapon that can use it.
8x Scope

Attaches To: AKM, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The 8x Scope is the most commonly found long-range sniper sight. Packed with 8 times magnification ability, it can help you bag enemy players from a long distance. It offers variable zoom capability that can be adjusted while aiming by using the mouse wheel (or holding RB+LS up or down on Xbox One). Because this sight will often be used for aiming at distant targets, it is susceptible to scoping sway. Always make sure to hold your breath before firing by hold the shift key (or by holding LB on the Xbox One). The 8x Scope should always be picked up when found, but note that if it is not mounted to one of your weapons, it occupies a very large amount of space in your backpack, totaling the same amount of space as a gas can. If you make it to the later stages of a round and find yourself needing inventory, dump the 8x Scope to make room for First-Aid Kits, Painkillers, and Energy Drink. Once the circle reaches the smaller stages, the 8 times magnification provided by the sight becomes less viable.
15x Scope

Attaches To: AKM, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14
What it does and when to use it:
The 15x Scope is the ultimate long-range sight. It also happens to be the rarest of sight drops in the game. Currently, you will only find it in crates or on the bodies of dead players who previously went to crate town themselves. While it carries the 15x name, it only offer 12 times magnification. Like the 8x Scope, the 15x Scope offers variable viewing modes, adjustable with your mouse wheel (or by holding RB+LS up or down on Xbox One). Due to the extreme magnification, the 15x Scope is extremely susceptible to scope sway. You will need to hold your breath before taking any shots to ensure accuracy. Because 12 times magnification is really only useful for long-range engagements, it is recommended that you carry a spare 4x Scope (or something similar) to swap onto your weapon for closer engagements.
Grip Attachments
Angled Foregrip

Attaches To: M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3
What it does and when to use it:
The Angled Foregrip is a must have attachment for players who prefer to use full-auto firing modes or like spraying their targets with gunfire. While the in-game description states that the Angled Foregrip reduces vertical recoil, it really only reduces horizontal recoil by 20%. It can reduce the total recoil pattern by 20%. As an added bonus, it will decrease the time it take you to aim down your sights by 10%. The Angled Foregrip is a must-take attachment, especially if you are carrying a SCAR-L or UMP9 and using them in auto firing mode.
Vertical Foregrip

Attaches To: M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, Vector, SKS, Tommy Gun, AUG A3
What it does and how to use it:
The Vertical Foregrip offers a 15% reduction in vertical recoil and reduces the overall recoil pattern by 20%. The in-game description promises a reduction in the time it takes to aim down the weapon sight, but in practice, it offers no real difference. Unlike the Angled Foregrip, the Vertical Foregrip is more suited to player who prefer to tap fire single shots rather than spray. It is an essential piece of any SKS build, where firing a quick follow up to your initial shot is preferred.
That wraps up the overview for grips and sights for your guns in PUBG. For a closer look at muzzle attachments, check out our guide. For tips and suggestions to get the best performance from your PC while playing PUBG, check out our Graphics Settings Guide and increase your FPS.