Destiny 2 - Lost Sector Locations on Titan
Where are the Lost Sectors located on Titan in Destiny 2?
When Destiny 2 released on the PS4 and Xbox One earlier this month, Lost Sectors were introduced. While these are great for getting a couple of Engrams for your collection, the introduction of enemy supplies in Lost Sectors has made finding and clearing them essential. When the Faction Rally for the day requires that you destroy enemy supplies on Titan, here’s where you want to be looking.
Lost Sectors on Titan

Titan only has three Lost Sectors, each of which are marked on the in-game map image that we’ve included in this article. All three of these Lost Sectors are near a Titan spawn point, so you should have no trouble getting to them quickly if you’re in a rush.
To verify you’re looking in the correct place for a Lost Sector, make sure you’re close to the entrance by not only checking your location with the Lost Sector icon on your map, but also by looking for the Lost Sector symbol close to the entrance of the area. They will always be marked, and we’ve included a screenshot of that in case you aren’t familiar with the Lost Sector symbol.

Head inside the Lost Sector you find and work your way through the various enemies that occupy the area, including a proper yellow-bar boss. Along the way, you’ll see some large supply caches that take damage when you shoot them. Just light them up until they explode, and that’s an enemy supply cache destroyed.
The problem with enemy supplies, is that they vary in appearance depending on what enemy type you are facing. Luckily, if the Faction Rally quest is asking you to destroy these, they will have markers on them when you get close, so identifying them shouldn’t be an issue.
Expect to work your way through three to four Lost Sectors to destroy the enemy supplies you need to finish this Milestone. Should be about 15 to 20 minutes of work.
Be sure to visit our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for all the help you need being the most powerful Guardian you can.