Hug your pets folks.
We brought Mindy to the vet after two days of pampering and goodbyes.
Old age (she would have turned 16 in about a month) doggie diabetes, and one too many tumble from wobbly legs all finally caught up to her.
Miss ya already Min!
30 awws
30 awws♥ Happy Valentine's Day from the peegies! ♥
Steve Carrotlord:
Tony Swiftbottom:
29 awwsHappy Halloween from the peegies!
Odin - Root beer:
Benedict Cucumberpatch - Cola-cola:
Chase - King:
Vincent Thundersqueak - Rocket: -
29 awwsJames McCaffrey -- an actor best known for voicing the popular video game character Max Payne -- has died after a battle with cancer. :( -
29 awws-Our 4 year old cat dieing of heart failure
-all kids so sick, youngest on day 6 @ 103F
-washing machine now completely dead
-water heater randomly sprung 3 leaks yesterday, so that's dead
At least nothing wakes you up and gets you ready for a beautful day like an ice cold shower at 6am
Happy Tuesday!!!
no lice yet -
29 awwsMy Moose-cat got diagnosed with terminal cancer yesterday. He's 17+, but he deserves better than this. Figure we have maybe 2wks left, and that's if the drugs we're giving him keep him comfortable. We're not going to prolong it out of selfishness... he's still purring like a maniac, but he's just having trouble moving around & is clearly uncomfortable going to the bathroom.
={ -
29 awws
29 awwsAny folks around with wisdom for dealing with a terminally ill spouse (or loved one?).
I posted back in October when the first signs of cancer were detected, and I really appreciated the advice, stories and support that came out of that thread. One person mentioned specifically a concept about how I would never be able to understand the perspective of my partner who is going through this. That small bit of wisdom has helped me navigate things when she has made decisions which I find absolutely baffling. I absolutely can't know what it's like to experience what she is experiencing.
At the time of that thread I was not able to understand exactly what that poster meant. I absolutely do now. I feel like it has been an enormous benefit to me to be able to have a heads up on complex, unknowable shit like that, and I really appreciate it.
Things have progressed over the past few months, and unfortunately it's the worst case scenario. So now I'm wondering if anyone has any good wisdom...
I'm going to lose the love of my life in the next few months. I fell in love with her within roughly 4 minutes of meeting her, and my opinion has changed not at all in the subsequent time.
She was my entire future, We had planned everything around our life together. Tragic death is so upsetting because it isn't the same as the loss of someone who had the a long and full life, it's the loss of a person's potential life, and in my case, our shared life and our potential children and all the inside jokes and adventures over the next forty to fifty years that I was hoping for.
I'd especially like to publicly thank freshyk who is a professional in the field. He has spent his I'm sure limited time answering my questions and helping me understand the complex journey of the past few months. His support has been invaluable.
Anyway, sorry to be a bummer. -
29 awwsMerry Pigmas! From Chase, Tony Swiftbottom, and Vincent Thundersqueak
I bought this santa suit made for peegs, but all the boys were too big to fit in it.
Tony Swiftbottom:
Vincent Thundersqueak: -
29 awwsNew fur babies in ‘da house!