BioWare's 'Next Major Project' Teased, Being Announced at Spike VGAs

Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins dev BioWare's "next major project" is being teased in teensy video snippets and a high-res still screen ahead of its announcement at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards on December 11.

What is it? All parent company Electronic Arts has to say is "BioWare teases its next major project, stay tuned for more." We're going to go out on a limb and guess that not only will guns feature in the game, players will also be able to shoot them.

Saints Row 3, Batman: Arkham City and Guillermo del Toro's "Lovecraftian" game are all also due to be shown off in some form at the 2010 VGAs. Last year's awards ceremony saw a wide spread of video game announcements and trailer debuts.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 17, 2010 6:44 AM


    • reply
      November 17, 2010 6:52 AM


      • reply
        November 17, 2010 7:01 AM

        doesn't really look like a gun from ME but they did mention doing more games in the ME universe that didnt involve the trilogy

        • reply
          November 17, 2010 7:15 AM

          I wouldn't be surprised if they did a more action oriented game in the ME series. They could use that practice to make the action in ME3 even more impressive.

          • reply
            November 17, 2010 7:27 AM

            ME2 already stripped out most of the RPG trappings, to the point where Borderlands is more of an RPG than ME2 was. How much more "action oriented" can they get?

            • reply
              November 17, 2010 10:08 AM

              If by RPG you mean "hording needless piles of shit", then OK. There is the small matter of character development, dialog, and story...Seriously, these moronic and facile statements just need to die.

              • reply
                November 17, 2010 10:09 AM


              • reply
                November 17, 2010 11:02 AM

                Which RPG has you hoarding "needless" stuff? Everything has its uses unless the game itself is simply crap.

                Everybody knows ME's crpg-lite.

                • reply
                  November 17, 2010 11:19 AM

                  Being a Role Playing Game has nothing to do with loot. it's something that RPGs have traditionally done but that's not what defines them, just like stat based combat isn't what defines them. All that stuff is just carryover from D&D. You have so many stats in D&D because that's the only way you can express things in a pen & paper game.

                  Loot in RPGs is as much of a requirement as yellow and blue keys are in FPS, which is to say not at all.

                  • reply
                    November 17, 2010 11:22 AM

                    If that's true then every single game that has you play a character is RPG.

                    I think you're talking about overhead isometric view and roll-of-dice hit detection, cus rpg absolutely has to do with rpg items.

                    • reply
                      November 17, 2010 2:08 PM

                      Yes, games that allow you to play a character are role playing games. However, playing a character is not the same thing as playing AS a character. Uncharted, for example, is not a role playing game. Mass Effect, on the other hand, very much is. The games are ABOUT playing the character the way you want. If you say they're not role playing games you don't understand what they mean.

                      You need to separate the conventions of the games that have typically included role playing from role playing itself. Items, abilities or stats isn't what made RPGs, but they're gameplay elements that have come synonymous with "RPG".

                      • reply
                        November 17, 2010 8:23 PM

                        That's meaningless if you don't have a slew of underlying systems to support it.

                        So you can make the face of a character, that doesn't mean you're roleplaying when evidently all dialogue choices lead to the same conclusion.

                        It's an illusion. That's why people call games like ME dumbed down/consoled up.

                        • reply
                          November 18, 2010 7:58 AM

                          In the case of ME all dialogue option don't lead to the same place, but if they did that would be a problem with the dialogue system and not a problem with lack of a loot mechanic. You can think ME is dumbed down mechanically all you want (although I'd disagree because there's a lot of depth to its combat) but that has nothing to do with the role playing which is certainly not dumb down.

                          Choosing which piece of armor to equip isn't role playing, role playing is choosing how your character acts and interacts with the world an other people. It's not hard to separate the two and just because ME isn't the game you want it to be doesn't mean it isn't a role playing game.

                          • reply
                            November 18, 2010 10:45 AM

                            lol you have a twisted sense of roleplaying, like it doesn't need any gameplaying systems to prop it up

                            like how people thought sitting at a table doing nothing except pretending to have a dinner in Oblivion is "roleplaying"

                • reply
                  November 17, 2010 12:43 PM

                  Everything has its use..oh son, may I spin you a tail about a thief in the land of Cyrodiil?

              • reply
                November 17, 2010 11:23 AM

                Story? ME2 didn't a story. A plot railroad, sure, but not a story.

        • reply
          November 17, 2010 10:25 AM

          No? Compare it with this gun

          They're identical

          • reply
            November 17, 2010 10:31 AM

            Oooh great find dude. They indeed look _nearly_ identical. However the shot in the trailer doesn't have that stand-looking component just below the barrel that the Incisor Rifle has. Other than that, extremely similar looking guns.

            • reply
              November 17, 2010 11:43 AM

              It's also possible that they hired the same folks to design both weapons, and their styles are bleeding through. Either way, too soon to tell.

              • reply
                November 17, 2010 12:12 PM

                As a friend suggested, it's possible they just reused available assets. But that sure would be lazy, wouldn't it?

          • reply
            November 17, 2010 1:17 PM

            Good eye. Mass Effect 3 is my guess.

    • reply
      November 18, 2010 6:00 AM

      It is ME related in fact. It's a multiplayer game based on the ME universe. Earlier this year they actually mentioned something very new involving the ME universe would be coming out around February of next year.

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