Free Realms Headed to Mac This Fall, Already Boasts Over 14 Million Registered PC Players
The upcoming Mac version of the game will retain the same features and functionality of the PC version, including full access to the game's Marketplace. Mac players will also be integrated into the same servers as PC players, and as SOE President John Smedley points out, it's the first time the company has delivered an integrated PC/Mac experience.
There is no denying the overwhelming player demand for Free Realms on the Mac platform, of which we plan to deliver very soon. For the first time ever, SOE is developing synchronous gameplay for Mac and PC players and we are thrilled to tap into TransGaming's Mac development expertise to bring this functionality to fruition.
A while back, it was also announced that a version of Free Realms was planned for the PlayStation 3. A representative from Sony Online Entertainment has confirmed that they "haven't announced a release date, but Free Realms for PS3 will be coming soon." (via Kotaku)
That's the beauty of boasting REGISTERED users. You get to boast hyper-inflated numbers that represent very little. I registered for Free Realms the day it came out and I never once touched it.
They represent nothing. Concurrent users or active accounts is what counts. All of those F2P game though "boast" with their registered user base. I actually dared to ask a product manager after a presentation on how many of the registered users are active and all he admitted was that "Of course it is a lower number which we can only estimate". After his response all attendees roared with laughter.