Star Wars: The Old Republic Dev Diary Features 'Designing the Light Side'
In the latest developer diary for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the team at BioWare discuss developing the different types of Jedi present in the game's world. Whether you'd prefer to b
Whether you'd prefer to be a heroic and merciful savior like Luke Skywalker or a more avenging type of Jedi like Anakin, the choices will be available to you.
The diary also jumps into the world of space combat and the look and feel of force powers and lightsabers. Don't worry fans, BioWare promises that sabers will clash properly, in both look and sound, when Jedi's face-off against each other in the upcoming MMO.
Star Wars: The Old Republic launches on PC in 2011.
I'm glad there's going to be more than just the "boyscout" type jedi.
I want to be a bit rebellious ala Qui-Gon Jinn -