Free GameCenter App Arrives for Palm and Android

As many Android users know, stonedonkey's ShackDroid makes a great way to keep up with chatty, and though I've not used it there's also Pretty by mwasher for Palm owners. Add GameFly's 'GameCenter' to the list as well. The free application, which launched last fall for the iPhone and iPod Touch, is now available in the Android Marketplace and Palm Store. It includes the full daily Shacknews news feed with all the screens and videos viewable right in the application.

In addition to the Shacknews content, its game library makes it easy to pull up descriptions, screenshots, trailers, cheat codes, and even controller layouts for over 7,000 current videogames. And those with GameFly accounts can use the application to manage their GameQ as well. The Palm version also features the ability to add calendar notifications for upcoming new releases and news, updates, and price changes for Palm games.

On the continuing development of the GameCenter application, GameFly co-founder Sean Spector said, "We want to deliver a great game content experience on all mobile devices and Android and Palm are terrific platforms to do that."

GameCenter for Android can be found in the Market by searching "GameCenter" and requires Android OS 1.6 or higher. Here's a direct link to get GameCenter for Palm.

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