LittleBigPlanet 2 Confirmed by Musician
"Please to announce the licensing of 'Infotain Me' to Sony for Little Big Planet 2 on PS3," Leary declared in now-removed Twitter update noticed by IGN. Fortunately, we were able to verify and archive the existence of said tweet before it was removed.
Recently purchased by Sony, Media Molecule has stated that a full-fledged PlayStation 3 sequel would at the very least be compatible with all of the PlayStation 3 original's user-created levels and would "never fragment the community" as "that'd be the most counterproductive thing you could do." The company also recently demonstrated a version of LittleBigPlanet that uses the PlayStation 3's motion-sensitive PlayStation Move controller for easier and more precise object manipulation. Thanks Joystiq.
I don't know, easily photo chopped...