Space Strategy 'Flotilla' Voyages Onto Xbox 360

Blendo Games' charming turn-based space strategy game Flotilla has made the hyper-jump from PC onto Xbox Live Indie Games.

Flotilla sees a dying space captain choosing to spend their last seven months alive exploring the cosmos, encountering weird and wonderful lifeforms such as militant deer and fugitive rasta cats whilst engaging in turn-based battles set in full 3D space. It's quite lovely.

The universe is arranged randomly each time a new adventure is started, meaning players might spend their seven months amassing a heavily-armed fleet in one adventure then making strange new friends and winning karaoke contests in the next.

Flotilla is a snap on PC at $10 so 400 Microsoft Points ($5) on Xbox 360 is a bargain. A demo is of course available and you can also nab the PC demo from FileShack.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    March 25, 2010 11:05 AM

    Hey man, grats on the game!

    I know you're here somewhere =DD

    • reply
      March 25, 2010 11:06 AM

      P.S. Alice,

      players might one spend their seven doesn't quite make sense.

    • reply
      March 25, 2010 11:15 AM

      grats dude!

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