Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Server Issues Continue; PS3 VIP Content on the Way

It would appear that DICE and Electronic Arts were not prepared for the massive player counts for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as both companies continue to struggle with keeping the multiplayer servers up and running.

On Friday night, an outage kept PC and PlayStation 3 players offline for several hours before being fixed as the number of concurrent users for Bad Company 2 passed the all-time player count for 2005's Battlefield 2.

Sunday morning brought an outage across all three of the game's platforms with the PlayStation 3 only suffering a brief outage. The PC and Xbox 360 versions were affected with a much longer outage, but both were functioning properly as of Sunday night. Additionally, peak user count was 400% higher than any previous Battlefield title.

DICE has submitted a patch to Sony for the PS3 version, which the company hopes will be pushed live later today. The patch will enable the in-game store and its VIP DLC, granting "access to the Rush map, Nelson Bay and the Conquest map, Laguna Alta". Sony Europe will release the patch in its territories later this week.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    March 8, 2010 2:05 PM

    This game is a lot of fun when it works. I hope they get it fixed soon.

    It seems to be a tradition that every Battlefield game is riddled with server issues at launch.

    • reply
      March 8, 2010 2:58 PM

      Yeah. Steam reports 18 hours played for me so far - I'd say at least four of those are just spent mucking around trying to get shit to work.

      Which is to say, other 14 were pure, solid platinum. God what a fun game.

      • reply
        March 8, 2010 3:00 PM


        • reply
          March 8, 2010 4:15 PM

          Agreed man, singleplayer was awesome. Alot of it I spent admiring the sound effects in game. Also, the heli pilot is one of the best characters around.

    • reply
      March 8, 2010 9:40 PM

      its been frustrating but the gameplay is worth it. so much fun!

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