Third Borderlands DLC Raises Level Cap
It's "the biggest DLC we have made," designer Jason "haTts" Reiss posted in the company's forum. "Level cap increase anyone? Got it and it's awesome. Hopefully we can get a full announcement out to you guys soon...we are working really hard right now on both the update (that solves a bunch of issues) and the DLC."
Prior to the release of Borderlands PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in October 2009, Gearbox claimed that "people are going to be surprised when they find out how quickly we're coming [with DLC], and with what content we're coming."
The first expansion, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, was then revealed days before the game hit stores, and released about a month later, followed by the second, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, in late December / early January, with each add-on priced at $10.
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