Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Announced
IO Interactive today formally announced Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, the sequel to its
A press statement boasts "every aspect of the game has been designed to deliver a fresh perspective to the words 'intensity' and 'realism' in video games," with IO Interactive general manager Niels Jorgensen adding, "Gamers are always looking for something new and that is exactly what they are going to get with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days."
"Introducing a new visual experience," the Hitman developer declares, "Dog Days is inspired by documentary filmmakers and the user-generated era" as it probes "the gritty Shanghai underworld." A pair of teaser trailers--included below--offer a distorted security camera perspective, though they of course do not necessarily reflect the game's style.
A Kane & Lynch movie is currently in production, with Bruce Willis set to star as Kane. Dog Days is slated to hit PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2010.