Wheelman Dev Midway Newcastle Shuts Down
Newcastle, responsible for last year's action-driving title Wheelman, was not among the assets Warner Bros. recently picked up from bankrupt parent company Midway. Warner now owns "substantially all of [Midway's] U.S. assets," including the Mortal Kombat, This Is Vegas and Wheelman properties plus studios in Seattle and Chicago.
Roughly 80 people were let go, according to Kotaku, with Midway looking to close TNA series developer Midway San Diego in September if a buyer cannot be found. Other franchises still up for grabs include the TNA license and the rights to Necessary Force.
Good fucking riddance. That's what you get for making shitty games.
They lost jobs that they weren't qualified to have in the first first place. When you make shitty, overhyped and overpriced products then bomb. You don't deserve to be in that business then.
Welcome to Capitalism! Don't like it? Go live somewhere fucking else then.
The game is nothing but a half assed, vanilla GTA clone like the recent "Driver" titles.