Target Offers Savings with New Pre-Order Program
Upon a game's release, pre-order customers will then receive a $5 Target gift card, assuming they pick it up within a week of its debut.
The first batch of games to make use of this program are: Punch-Out!! (Wii), EA Sports Active (Wii), Ghostbusters (PC, PS2, PS3, 360, Wii DS), Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (PS2, Wii, DS) and UFC 2009 Undisputed (PS3, 360).
The program differs from the pre-order initiatives of other retailers in that it offers some semblance of savings--assuming you'll buy something else from Target--instead of guaranteeing a copy and occasionally offering swag for a deposit. Unlike some other retailers, however, Target does not offer pre-orders for every upcoming game.