Team Fortress 2, Steam Updated
The Steam website notes that updates for both Team Fortress 2 and the Steam client are now available.
Team Fortress 2 will update on its own after you restart Steam, while the Steam update can be installed by selecting "Check for Steam Client Updates..." from the File menu.
Steam Client
- Added support for registering CD keys that do not contain any games
- Added support for running an external process when Verifying or Deleting a game
Team Fortress 2
- Added rate limit for several client commands to prevent server spamming
- Added consistency checking for particle systems
- Updated r_particle_timescale ConVar so it can only be changed if the server has sv_cheats set to 1
- Updated loading/disconnect dialogs so they're easier to read
- Updated Dustbowl, Granary, and Badwater Basin with several exploit fixes
- Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates
Didn't they just add that to Granary? What is it like now?
As it is, the team that takes the central point will win the majority of games (or just hold more points when the timer expires). The setup timer just encouraged engineers to turtle at CP2/4
But at least now (and before) there are multiple clashes at the mid-point as waves of people clash, and its quite possible to re-take that point if you keep trying to.