No More Heroes 2 Out for Revenge, But Still Wii-only
"I wanted to make a lot more stuff, more detail. So this time in No More Heroes 2, I want to take my revenge," Suda revealed to Eurogamer. "And actually, the theme of No More Heroes 2 is revenge, so..." Suda trailed off, laughing to himself.
The designer explained that the sequel to Grasshopper Manufacture's off-kilter Wii brawler came about because of the original's commercial success, but in the process made it sound like a rock band's sophomore album: "I think it's time for No More Heroes to become serious," he said. "But ... it won't be too serious," he promised.
The sequel even had a shot of appearing on the Xbox 360, but Suda credited the Wii-mote for the game's continued exclusivity: "One of the really good points of this game was the way we used the remote control. ... If we took the Wii out of the equation, we'd have lost that, so the answer was that we had to make it on the Wii," he explained.
Suda is also accounting for the recent wave of censorship hitting Japan and European countries in the development of No More Heroes 2. "For Europe, we're going to release two versions. One extreme version, and one with less violence," he commented. But neither version is the "true" one; rather, "I had both the bloody version and the milder version in mind [when designing the game's concept]."
I can't wait :D