Analyst: Games Industry 'Highly Recession-Resistant'
From the offices of firm Wedbush Morgan, Pachter wrote "Notwithstanding this month's anticipated decline, we believe that the videogame software sector remains highly recession-resistant," in an investors' note. "This month's anticipated decline" is the almost certain year-over-year drop from September 2007, when Halo 3 had its blockbuster release.
"As a category, games are one of the lowest cost forms of entertainment, particularly to those households that have already invested in a home console," wrote the analyst.
Pachter also predicted that September sales will hit $620 million in software--a 6% decline--but sees large increases in hardware sales, citing increased Wii production and the Xbox 360 price cut that Microsoft claimed gave a 600% bump in sales.
In other news, alcohol sales, tobacco sales, reality TV viewing, pornography, and other low-cost forms of escapism also found to be highly recession-resistant.