Guitar Hero 3 Receives Motorhead Track Pack DLC, Four Other DLC Packs Due This Month

Putting limitations aside, Activision has released a new track pack for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero 3, bringing the following three tracks to the music game:
  • Motorhead - "(We Are) The Road Crew"
  • Motorhead - "Stay Clean"
  • Motorhead - "Motorhead"

The metal-heavy downloadable package sells for 500 Microsoft Points ($6.25) through the online Xbox Live Marketplace. An identically-priced PlayStation 3 release is expected alongside the free PS3-exclusive God of War track in today's PlayStation Store update.

In the announcement, Activision detailed that it would release four other GH3 downloadable packs this month. The next pack, due June 12, features recordings of:

  • Kasabian - "Shoot the Runner"
  • Kasier Chief - "I Predict a Riot"
  • Sex Pistols - "Problems (Live)"

In related news, piano-rock group Coldplay recently revealed to Entertainment Weekly that the band's new single "Violet Hill" will appear as downloadable content as part of a promotion for its new album "Viva La Vida." No pricing was disclosed.

Chris Faylor was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

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