TF2's Pyro Getting Unlockable Weapons Next, Upcoming Character Trailer Is 'Meet the Sniper'
The company introduced the concept of unlockables earlier this year via a set of Medic-specific achievements and weapons, with players earning new equipment when as they completed 12, 24, and all of the 36 achievements. Valve plans to eventually grace the seven remaining classes with new armament in due time.
No details as to when the Pyro achievements and weapons will be available were provided to CVG, though Team Fortress 2 director Robin Walker previously told Shacknews that, "we're really excited about where TF2 will be going over the next year," suggesting that the studio may be hoping to release all of the updates within that time.
The free update is likely to hit the PC version first. Though Valve has said details on console DLC are due "pretty soon", the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of the class-based multiplayer shooter have yet to receive any of the content updates released thus far.
yeah the moment I realized this was correct was when I spent 30+ in acheivementBox and STILL couldnt get more than a handful of the more difficult achievements completed! Especially the uber-two-at-once, which is still bugged for me. I've tried every which way to do it, rapidly switching, switching between only 2 people, or 3-5 people, or holding it for a while on one person and switching to another at the halfway mark - with and without the autoheal on. Nope, never works.
tl;dr: 1.6% have all 36 medic ones.
I know they put the achievement unlockables into the game tto add to the fun and everything but don't they realize that %99 of people who have all the achievements sat in an achievement box for hours upon hours farming rather than having fun playing the game. To me sitting in an achievement box for hours just farming is the exact opposit of what this game is about. I like the idea of new unlockable weapons but there has to be a way to unlock them that is still actually fun, i don't wanna spend 2 days or more pissed off or bored in an acheievemntbox so that i can finally have fun and enjoy these new weapons.
its like "Look we found a way to make the game more fun, all u have to do is spend a week playing it and not having any fun and that will finally unlock the new fun stuff!"
They should find a better way to unlock the items and still keep it fair and balanced for the people who like to play casually
Well congrats on getting yours so fast but i know the majority of people took much longer than that, and my point simply was that there obviously could and should be a better system than there is because it spoils the fun for a lot of people. Everytime i've been to an acheievement box its just random chaos and is too disorganized to get half ur achievements
You talk about it spoiling the fun, but you don't HAVE to farm them was my point. Sure, to get an ubersaw, some will need to be farmed, but a week or two of normal medic play will get you enough achievements for the first two unlocks. Trust me, I got 1/3 of them back in one play session of regular medic play after they took mine away initially due to a database bug.
The fact that you would HAVE to farm to get any of them is the problem, and you absolutley have to farm if u want them all, and if u want even the first 2/3 in any reasonable amount of time u will be farming and that detracts from the fun of the game. Don't put something in the game thats gonna require people to spend that much time doing something thats just not fun to eventually unlock something that will be fun.
Agreeded. Not only does it suck having to farm achievements to get the weapons, but it both A) Skrewed with my medic stats (i actually enjoy setting new records and keeping track of what i've managed to do, 30 kills as a medic is pretty unbeatable in an actual game though) and B) Ruined the fun of actaully earning achievements through actaual game play.
Maybe they should make each achievement have two levels. With the medic, they scaled some of the achievments down (like big pharma and you'll feel a little prick) so that they were less impossible. Maybe they could keep both. Have to get all of the lesser lvl acheivments to get the weapons but then you could still have harder versions of the same achievements to get.
I totally agree - I read somewhere that Valve intended to "balance class differentiation"; however, all they do is cause farmers to rule the whole playing field indefinitely while honorable players suck ass at that particular class. I played medic until i got the blutsauger and stopped b/c there are way too many medics that would just do the job better with their farmed ubersaws. They should give it to everybody so the game is actually EQUAL again.