How to Put MMO Experience on a Resume
As with any resume addition, the trick is to highlight the qualities that employers seek. Sure, raiding in World of Warcraft gives you sweet loot, but it also shows long-term planning, dedication, and the ability to work well with others. And if you're just getting into the job market and don't have a lot of relevant experience, this could be a huge help:
Guild Member, World of Warcraft
Participated as a member of a raiding guild over a two-year period. Consistently demonstrated punctuality, patience, good communication skills, and a team-oriented attitude to overcome shared challenges in a group setting.
"At the very least it makes your resume a little more interesting," Sorden noted. "It never hurts to stand out from the crowd when you're trying to get noticed." Just remember that, even in the virtual world, not everyone makes a good leader.
1st l0lz
but willy, only .00001% of any HR dept will think this is interesting-
Semi related article posted in a vain attempt to garner uneceesary hits:
I thought for a long time whether to invest or not, but I decided to invest money in my knowledge. I decided to study to become a designer and now I have a final exam soon and I will work in my specialty - it’s a thrill, but in order to find a good job it’s worth making a good resume and I decided that it would be as perfect as possible, then I’ll contact the company and then there is a service - it's a resume writing service and they wrote me a resume in a couple of days. Now I'm waiting for the last exam and can look for a job.