Plenty Of Gameplay In Street Fighter 4 Trailer
A new Street Fighter 4 trailer is now up at FileShack. The three minute clip shows gameplay footage from the various characters found in the fighting game sequel.
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The new style looks good, it's amazing how little these games have changed though.
Kind of? Street Fighter III: Third Strike and Street Fighter Alpha 3 had quite a lot of changes from Street Fighter II.
One of Street Fighter IV's explicit design goals is to hearken back to the original SF2's gameplay. They want to attract old players of SF2 or players who think that fighting games got too complicated after SF2.
For the better or for the worse, depending on where you stand.-
Uh, not really. More like they're trying to attract all the casual gamers that played SF2, back in the 90s, in arcades or on their SNES. It's a goldmine for Capcom, since all those guys that were addicted to SF2 in middle school are in their 20s and have the cash to blow on a SF2 throwback (and any successive iterations).
You're completely mischaracterizing the fighting game snobs. They got past SF2 years and years ago and moved onto GGXX and other games.