Battlefield 2142 Doesn't Track External Data

FiringSquad has a comment from EA on the Battlefield 2142 advertising rumor that's been making the rounds that has people believing the game is tracking your browsing habits and what not. Not true
The advertising program in Battlefield 2142 does not access any files which are not directly related to the game. It does not capture personal data such as cookies, account login detail, or surfing history. BF 2142 delivers ads by region. The advertising system uses a player's IP address to determine the region of the player, assisting to serve the appropriate ads by region and language. For instance, a player in Paris might be presented with ads in French. The information collected will not be repurposed for other uses. Battlefield 2142 also tracks "impression data" related to in-game advertisements: location of a billboard in the game, brand advertised, duration of advertisement impression, etc. This information is used to help advertisers qualify the reach of a given advertisement.

There is also a Q&A with IGA (these guys are providing the ads) CEO Justin Townsend on Gamasutra.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 18, 2006 7:46 AM

    You know, if they had a "go here for detailed information" and a link that pointed to that information on the slip of paper, the rumor probably wouldn'tve started in the first place.

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